Chapter 5

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Rachel's POV

I heard the door close and Harry's motorcycle rev up. I lay in my bed blinking once, before sitting up and looking out of the window that was beside my bed. I saw Harry riding off down the street, leaving me alone. It was the first time in about two weeks. I slowly got up and shuffled downstairs. Although I'd witnessed a different side of Harry, I wasn't just going to act like what had happened in the past several months didn't exist anymore. I couldn't just forgive him in the snap of my fingers. I didn't know if I could ever forgive him. I pulled the blanket I'd wrapped around myself tighter, shuffling towards the kitchen. I made myself some hot chocolate and looked out on the dreary day in London through the window.  A knock at the door startled me a bit causing me to jump.

I didn't know what to do. No one had ever come to the house when Harry wasn't here. I bit my lip nervously and slowly walked to the door with caution worrying who it might be. I slowly reached for the door handle and turned it slowly, and opened it up, and there stood Liam. Harry's one friend who seemed to give a damn about me. I was a little surprised to see him. But then I remembered this was Harry's house. He came to see Harry.

"U-um Harry's not here right now." I say leaning against the door feeling the cool air blow into the house. Liam looked up from the ground and studied me a bit before speaking.

"May I wait here?" Liam asks. I raise my eyebrows some a little shocked with his manners. I nod and open the door up wider for him.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure when he'll be back." I say as Liam enters the house. I close the door behind him and walk slowly over to where he plunks himself on the couch.

"It's fine. I've got time." Liam says. I nod and don't really know what else to do. Perhaps I should leave him and go back up to my room. I turn to do so, but then Liam stops me.

"Um, Rachel?" Liam says. I turn around to face him a little nervous.

"Y-yes?" I look up from my hands and meet his eyes. They lock and I don't know what I'm feeling, but I don't want to look away.

"I didn't come here for Harry." he admits. I walk over and take a seat at the end of the couch.

"Then who'd you come for?" I ask, but I already had a pretty good idea what the answer would be.

"You." Liam replies slowly. I felt a blush creeping onto my cheeks. I hadn't felt this way since Zayn. Zayn, I remembered him. He had been my loving boyfriend who hadn't done a thing wrong, and because of Harry I hadn't seen him in months.

"W-why?" I ask snapping back to reality. Liam shrugs.

"I didn't want to come when Harry was around. I wanted to take you somewhere." I see Liam's eyes sparkle as a small smile forms on his lips. I nod.

"Alright." I smile willing to get out of the house, it would be nice to do with a decent guy.


Liam and I sat together staring out at the water, our backs leaned against a tree. Liam hadn't made any sort of moves on trying to kiss me or anything. We just talked a little.

"So, how long have you been friends with Harry?" I ask Liam. Liam thinks about this.

"I think for about almost 5 years." Liam replies. I nod slowly staring out at the ground.

"So you don't know why he's like this?" I ask Liam. Liam gives me a confused side glance.

"What do mean 'like this?'" he asks of me. I shrug.

"I mean he's kind of cold, rude, and well mean." I say trying to put it in a nicer way then what I'd been thinking all these months. Liam shrugs.

"We don't know much about each other's past. It's always worked like that." Liam replies. I look over a him and study him as he focuses on the water.

"Your kind of like Harry." I observe. "Only you seem to be putting on an act. I think you're actually a really big softy under all that leather and denim." I smirk as I study him. Liam looks over and shakes his head.

"Nah." Liam replies simply.

"How did you get like you are? I mean you seem reserved and kind of like your hiding your emotions." I look at him waiting for an answer. Liam smirks.

"Your really good at observing people aren't you? I mean you can tell how they feel, and you can just make all these assumptions by their actions." Liam speaks as he stares off.

"Well, there probably not right at all." I sigh.

"You hit me right on head." Liam admits. I raise my eyebrows.

"Well I'd never know unless you told me, because you know your not big on expressing things." I smirk and nudge him with my elbow. Liam looks over and shakes his head smirking back at me and nudging me back with his elbow.

"Alright, Ms. Know It All." he chuckles. I playfully punched him and soon one thing led to another and Liam began tickling me. And soon I'd fallen onto the ground with Liam on top of me. He was smiling, and so was I. His hands were on my waist and my hands were against his chest. Slowly the two of us leaned in closer to one another and then just as our lips were inches away from each other, I felt my phone vibrate. It was a little cheap phone Harry had bought me after the accident so he could keep an eye on me, and keep up with me. I knew only one person was calling me. Harry.

"I-I'm sorry." I frown as I sit up. Liam stands up quickly and shrugs brushing off his jeans.

"It's fine." he replies. I reached into my back pocket and found the old flip phone.

"Hello?" I answer. I hear Harry's heavy breathing on the other end.

"Where the hell are you?" he demands. I didn't know if I should tell him the truth or lie.

"Harry, I just went out for a bit. I'm on my way home now." I say.

"You better be." his voice sounds so cold and the singing Harry I'd seen before was gone. He hung up and I flipped the phone closed and walked over to Liam.

"Listen, I'm sorry but I have to go before Harry flips shit." I reply. Liam takes my hand as I begin to walk away.

"I'll walk you home." Liam says.

"But Harry will flip out." I inform feeling a bit concerned for Liam's sake. Liam rolls his eyes.

"I think I'll be okay." Liam says as we begin walking towards the house.

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