Chapter 20

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Rachel's POV

I felt hope when I saw the doctor talking to Louis as I ran back towards the waiting room. Would I be able to talk to Harry? I still had the napkin letter clutched in my hand. I felt so hopeful and relieved that Harry was okay, but then I saw the look on Louis' face. It was twisted in shock and sadness. His cheeks seemed permanently wet with tears. I saw that Niall had just arrived and was walking over to the doctor and Louis. I finally came to a stop beside Louis, who was choking on a sob. Niall walked up to him looking perplexed, I couldn't blame him. I turned to face the doctor wanting to know Harry's condition.

"How's Harry? May we see him?" I asked. I was trying to remain optimistic even though I could hear Louis sobbing in the background.

"Young lady," the doctor begins in a soft, and gentle voice. It's as if I'm a fragile vase he's afraid to break. "I'm afraid Mr. Styles isn't doing well." the doctor answers. I take in his words and feel an enormous lump in my throat, my eyes begin watering.

"W-what do you mean?" I ask. My voice betrays me and cracks.

"Mr. Styles has lost a lot of blood. And he's very weak." the doctor explains. "And-" I cut him off.

"Well give him some more blood, that's what blood donors are for!" I demand the doctor. "I mean what kind of hospital is this?" I ask him, narrowing my eyes at him.

"The bullet was so close to his heart, it wouldn't matter if we gave him all the blood in the hospital," the doctor explains. He's about to continue, but in my rage, once again, I cut him off.

"Why don't you try it then? I mean there's no harm in at least trying! You're a doctor, you're supposed to help him!" my tone is rising in my anger and frustration. Harry couldn't die, I hadn't talked to him yet, and I had so much to say, so many questions. I needed him to know that I didn't totally hate him. He couldn't die with my last words to him being, "You're the same prick I met eight months ago, and that's all you'll ever be." because he wasn't. He wasn't what he wanted me to think he was. "You have to save him!" I cry at the doctor.

"It would be a waste of good blood because a vein that pumps the blood directly to his heart has burst. There's no way he could live even if I used all of the blood in the hospital, nor the world." the doctor explains to me. Then I started to cry.

"I-I have to see him!" I demand through my tears. "You have to let me see him!" Then I saw Liam through my blurry, teary eyed vision, he must of been in the bathroom or something. He looked at me with concern.

"What's going on?" he asks. "What happened?"

"H-Harry, he's gonna die." I sob to Liam. Liam looks from me then to the doctor.

"Is this true?" he asks. I couldn't tell if he was worried, or curious.

"I'm afraid so." the doctor responds. "I don't know how much time he has left before his heart gives out. We could try putting a tube his chest to help the blood flow, but he's too weak for the surgery." Then I saw Liam's eyes water and soon he was crying. He hugged me, and we stood there crying. Then the doctor leaves, then returns a few seconds later. Niall, Louis, Liam and I all wait to hear what he has to say."You can see him if you'd like, but he's very weak, so perhaps only one at a time." we were about to decide who should go first when I saw a woman with dark hair, and blue-green eyes hurry up to us. She looked over at Louis.

"Where is he?" she asks. She has tears in her already red and puffy eyes. "W-where's my baby?" then she turns to the doctor. "I'm Anne, Harry's mum." she tells the doctor. "How is he? Is he doing alright?" I suddenly realized I wasn't the only person who knew Harry, neither were Louis, Niall and Liam. Harry had a family whom I'd never met before. He had parents, maybe siblings even. It hit me that Harry was a regular person, he wasn't just a tattooed mystery person who was so deep, and surprisingly sweet. He was all of those things on top of a person who I'd probably never even known. The worst part about seeing Anne and realizing all this, was seeing her reaction. That was her son in there, the boy who she'd given birth to, and raised. I suddenly felt selfish for throwing a fit when the doctor told Anne everything and she just sat down on chair and attempted to stop her crying, but she kept on. Louis comforted her, and the doctor told Anne that she could go see Harry. She could go say goodbye to her son. It was heart breaking to watch Anne nod slowly, and ask anyone else if they'd like to go first, as if any of us would of said yes. She was so polite about everything, it hurt.

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