Chapter 15

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Rachel's POV

And yet another poker game was being played downstairs, but I was so pissed off, and confused at Harry for the whole dinner fiasco, I wasn't even trying to eves drop. I was just knocking my head against the wall silently. All I could picture was Zayn getting punched over and over by Harry. He did fight back, but Harry looked so bloody pissed off. It didn't make any sense. He had been so kind, and open one moment and then he was back to being the asshole I'd known these past several months. It made no sense to me. But I guess that was just Harry. He made no sense.

There was a knock at my door, and as it opened I tossed a pillow, not caring who entered, not caring who it hit. I was so done with everything. I saw Liam's brown eyes as they melted meeting mine, and felt a bit bad as he gave the pillow which had nearly missed his head a confused look. But then I remembered Harry was home. What the hell was Liam doing? Was he trying to get us caught?

"Liam, what are you doing?" I ask of him. "You can't be up here! Harry will flip!" I say jumping to my feet.

"Relax, he went out to take a smoke." Liam tells me. I bite my lip nervously. Liam gently pulls my chin to meet his lips and I wrap my arms around him.

"Oh shit!" a Irish accented voice shouts. "It's true!"

"I told you." I recognized that voice as Louis' his cocky self. Liam jolted back and we both turned to see Louis and Niall standing before us, the door was wide open. Louis gave an expectant look, as if he knew that he was going to find us here, like this. While Niall looked shocked and dumbfounded.

"Louis, you bloody prick!" Liam growls. He storms towards Louis. "I bought you that damn piano so you wouldn't tell anyone!" Liam narrowed his eyes at Louis. But Louis merely shook his head and wagged a finger at Liam. Liam looked like he wanted to bite that finger off.

"No, no, Payne." Louis starts. "You bought me the piano so I wouldn't tell Harry. I made no such deal to not share the news with Niall." Niall just smirked at the two of us.

"Liam, you're a dead man." Niall comments.

"Louis, you fucking twat!" Liam curses ignoring Niall's comment. "Now Niall is going to blab to Harry because we all know he can't keep a damn secret to save his ass."

"Hey!" Niall protests.

"Niall, you can't tell Harry!" I plea. Niall just shrugs.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't." he just smirks before turning away and walking down the stairs. Louis goes to follow but Liam grabs his shirt.

"I'm going to fucking straggle you, Tomlinson." Liam mutters as he storms down the stairs. I was left standing in the hall. I backed up into my room, closing the door. I fell against it, my head spinning in frustration. I felt so overwhelmed. I didn't know what to do, everything was all happening at once. Now two people knew about Liam and I. Harry had turned into a psycho path and beaten up Zayn. Zayn whom I'd finally found. I just wanted to get away a break from all of it. Or better yet, answers to the mystery of Harry Styles.


I marched downstairs after Harry's poker game ended, I was ready for some answers. I walked into the living room where Harry was watching TV munching on a bag of Lays chips. The sour cream'n onion kind. He looked up at me and watched me as I snatched the remote up and clicked off the TV.

"Hey, I was watching that!" Harry grumbles sitting up straighter now.

"Yeah well, you're not anymore." I counter.

"Oh, someone's got their sass back in 'em." Harry smirks and gets up wrapping an arm around my waist but push him back gently.

"Harry Styles, I want some fucking answers!" I cry. I'm getting tired of these constant games he was playing.

"You got all the questions, I got all the answers." Harry winks quoting a rap song I can't remember the name of at the moment. I scoff shaking my head. Dammit, why couldn't he cooperate.

"I'm serious! I'm so sick of all these games!" I groan. "I mean one minuet you're a total asshole, and then the next you're Mr. Nice Guy. Then you're back to being a total asshole again!" Harry rolls his eyes and falls back onto the couch letting out a groan.

"Rachel, don't start." Harry mutters rubbing his temples. I ignore him.

"No, I will start! Now how can you act like two total opposite people?" I implore. "And don't make a smart ass reply either, I just want a straight forward answer." Harry rolls his eyes.

"Rachel, it's really none of you're business. I mean it's got nothing to do with you." Harry argues. He's flopped down on his side now on the couch.

"Nothing to do with me? Oh I'm sorry, I'm not your property or anything sir. I forgot I'm living under your roof for the hell of it!" I snark to Harry. Harry rubs his head. But I keep pushing. "Harry, I'm not stopping! I'm going to keep pestering you and you're going to tell me why the hell you want to act like a prick, because-"

"I was a fucking nerd, okay!" Harry cuts me off, his voice booming, he sits straight up now. And now he stands up. "Are you fucking happy now?" he asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask knitting my eyebrows together. Harry shakes his head turning away from me.

"Nothing. Just leave me alone, okay Rachel?" with that Harry walks up the stairs and I hear the door close with a click. I think about apologizing but then I think of all the times he's antagonized me. And besides, he needed some time to cool down. So I just decided to wait until a time perhaps when he was sober.

(I'm so sorry this chapter was all over the place. Please vote comment fan)

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