Chapter 9

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Rachel's POV

I sat up again in the middle of the night, that terrible nightmare had come back to me. Liam and I had been so sweet to me, taken me on the sweetest of dates, then he walked me back to the house, and then he walked in with me. But then, Harry would lose it, pull out that gun and shoot Liam. And then Liam would fall to the ground. And now I was in a cold sweat shivering, pulling my covers tighter around me. The dream was the reminder that I would only get Liam hurt, I couldn't be in love with him. Why did I have to fall in love with him so easily?

It was like I couldn't control how I was feeling anymore, I'd spent the last several months forcing myself to build a wall and Liam had broken it down with just the fact of caring about me. It'd been a while since I felt that since Harry couldn't give two shits about me. I allowed the tears to roll down my cheeks and I shivered seeing the shiny pistol in Harry's hand. I wanted it to just go away, I wanted it all to go away. I stood from my bed, wrapping my sheets around my body as I shivered. I walked out of my room quietly shutting the door behind me.

I walked down the stairs taking them one at a time. I needed some air, just for a minuet. I saw Harry passed out on the couch and sucked in a long stride of air, I bit my lip and made my steps even more careful not wanting to wake him. I saw a few of his friends had remained over for their little slumber party. I didn't remember much after Liam had spoken to me earlier. I think I passed out for a nap and just now woke up from the dream. Or should I say nightmare. I saw the blonde man, Niall, and Harry's other friend the new one, the one with the blue eyes, Louis. I walked past the living room seeing Harry strewn on the couch, Niall had a bottle of vodka held in his hands. But as he rolled over, I flinched a little feeling fearful, and the bottle rolled from his hand and onto the floor. Niall was trying to adjust himself to the cramped chair he'd been reduced to, while this Louis character sleep all sprawled out on the floor. My eyes fell on Liam who was snoozing on a mountain of pillows. My heart leaps a bit as I see him and I knew I had to get out of the house.

I quickly tip toed towards the backdoor which would lead out to the small back yard that was behind the house. I unlocked it quickly and opened it up trying my best to be quiet. I stepped out and the cold air hit me, but it felt nice. I was shivering, sweating, and the fresh air was like a burst of energy. I closed the door behind me and stepped onto the little sidewalk that was just two rows of three squares. I took a step off of them my bare feet hitting the cool frosted grass with mist. It was dark outside, and I felt invisible to the world, like anything was possible. Maybe I could run away from here. Maybe I could run for help. Maybe I could be free if I just ran now. I smiled at the thought of being able to get away from all this. So why didn't I do it? I heard the back door shut and my heart dropped.

"Rachel?" A deep drowsy voice says. I turn around and see Harry standing there looking at me like I was crazy. And maybe I was. Harry rubbed his eyes, his curls held back by a bandanna -like headband. But then the fear from the dream set in, and the fear from the smack. I still had the bruise obviously. "What are you doing out here? It's freezing."

"I know." I reply coldly. I could see my breath in the air as I spoke to Harry turning away from him.

"Rachel, you're going to get frost bite." Harry informs me. He sounded like he was closer to me. Then I felt something get wrapped around me and I saw it was Harry's jacket. A black leather jacket with foe fur lining on the inside. I jerked away just as Harry was going to release the jacket for me to wear and it fell onto the grass. Harry frowned and picked it up. "Please, you're gonna freeze in just a wimpy little sheet."

"I don't care." I state not looking away. Harry let out a sigh. Then I felt him touch me, his hand was warm against my cooling skin. I pulled away. "Don't touch me." I march father inward to the lawn not looking at him. But I heard the grass crunching behind me and I knew he was there. But I didn't want him to be. "What do you want?" I ask him finally turning around.

"I-I just want to get you inside. You don't need to get sick." Harry chirps quietly. He let out a small yawn and I just looked away from him and sadly walked back towards the house.

"Please don't pretend like you give a shit." I turn to face him. "Because we both know you don't." I walked away from him wanting to get away from him and all the bad feelings that were associated with him.

"Rachel," Harry begins but I walked into the house and shut the door before he could say anything more.


I was home alone Harry was out doing god knows what, I'd actually found some reading material that wasn't porn. I was reading The Great Gatsby, I was a little surprised Harry owned this book. I'd read it back in school in grade 8. I was in the advanced classes in school, I was pretty much a nerd. I had friends to hang out with but settling down with a cup of tea and reading was my ideal idea of relaxing and feeling truly at home. And even in a living room that smelled of cigarettes, weed, and alcohol, I found myself feeling at home while reading and sipping the fresh tea I'd made. I was in an over sized t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I'd never felt more relaxed, and content. At least not in the months I'd been living with Harry. Then the knock at the door came. I became nervous. Who could be here? I put my book marker in between pages 150 and 151. I set the book on the coffee table and walked over to the door, my tea still in hand. I opened it up and saw Liam standing there. I felt shocked and embarrassed he was seeing me like this. Then I got another sense of deja vu.

"L-Liam, what are you doing here?" I ask slowly as I open the door wider. I didn't want Liam to freeze outside. Liam stepped in and I closed the door, the cool air blowing in. Liam stood there and I walked over setting my tea down on a small coaster. And then when I turned around Liam kissed me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my lips. I didn't know what to do, so I just kind of sunk into it and then I kissed back. I didn't think Liam liked me like that. I mean sure he cared about me, but I didn't think like this. We broke apart and I let my mouth just hung open as I searched for the words to say.

"Listen, Rachel before you say anything," Liam begins. "Good. I didn't have anything prepared anyway" I thought to myself. I waited for Liam to continue but he seemed to be a a little shocked by his sudden action as well. "I just wanted to say that I like you a lot, and I don't really know what came over me. I was just sitting playing Black Ops. and then I suddenly felt something inside me and I stopped and ran here, I needed to see you and I didn't have the faintest clue why. But when I saw you, I just had to kiss you." Liam explains. His voice is still deep and hard, but he's got emotion and he's sweating.

"Liam, you can't be here. This can't happen." I shake my head. My dream came into my head reminding me of everything.

"Alright. I just need to do that. I'm sorry. I'll go." Liam replies quietly. But then something inside me was screaming for me to stop him. I grabbed Liam's hand and pulled him towards me.

"I-I just don't want you to get hurt. Harry will flip when he finds he out." I explain quickly. I didn't want him to go, but I was nervous for him to stay.

"Who says Harry has to know?" Liam asks deeply. Then he pressed his lips to mine and the whole mood changed in the room.

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