Chapter 3

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(This is a really short chapter)

Rachel's POV

I lay in my bed, wrapped up tightly in my covers not wanting to move an inch. I just wished I could die right here and right now. I wish I could go to sleep and never wake up. Then I'd be free. Free from all this. I heard a knock at the door and groaned weakly. "Go away!" I cry at whoever was behind the door. I didn't care who it was I wasn't in the mood to see anyone right now. I just wanted to be left alone. I heard the door opening and looked over in shock knowing I'd locked it. I didn't see Harry like I expected, instead I saw one of his friends. I wasn't quite sure of his name. "How did you get in here?" I asked him as he sat down on a chair in my room casually.

"I picked the lock." he shrugs simply. His voice was cold and husky like Harry's but as I looked into his brown eyes I noticed emotions shining through. I saw desire and concern in them. Something that I thought was cute, but didn't want to be faced with right now.

"So did Harry send you up here?" I ask him, my voice cracking. My throat was soar from all the crying. The built, tattooed man shook his head.

"It was my idea. I wanted to be sure you were alright." the man explains. I find my heart warmed a little but I don't smile.

"Oh." is all I say. Finally I speak again after finding the right words. "I didn't think any of Harry's friends actually noticed me or cared how I was." he shrugs.

"I'm sorry if I've disturbed you. I just wanted to be sure you were breathing." he tells me looking down at his hands. I knew he was avoiding my eyes.

"It's fine." I say sitting up a little. "I'm sorry, I don't think I've ever caught your name before." I tell him. The man nods his head.

"I'm Liam Payne." he informs me. I find myself give a weak smile.

"That's a lovely name." I admit to him. I suspect Liam is blushing and maybe smiling a little. I didn't know any of Harry's friends had emotions.

"Thank you." Liam says. "So how are you feeling?" he asks me his voice genuine as if he really did care. I was just about to speak when Harry showed up in my doorway.

"Liam," he begins narrowing his eyes at him. "Niall's insisting you play another round. He says you're a pussy if you don't." Harry said this in a forceful tone making me a bit nervous. I saw Liam being reluctant but he knew as well as I did that there was no disagreeing with Harry.

"Bye, Rachel." he says and his voice seems warmer, kinder somehow. I expected Harry to walk out too, but he entered the room closing the door. I cringed, thinking of all the possible things that could go wrong in this moment.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I ask him scooting away until I hit my bedroom wall. Harry sighs.

"Rachel, I'm sorry you think that I'm the one whose making you want to kill yourself. I really am." Harry says nodding. I rolled my eyes at him and buried my head under my pillow, wishing it would all end in a millisecond.


Harry's POV

I closed the door to Rachel's room and shook my head. Why was I such an asshole? Why couldn't I just get over myself? Maybe it was just the fact that I was afraid to let people in. But I had my reasons. I saw Liam descending the stair case and narrowed my eyes. He was making the moves on her. Liam liked her, that much I knew.

I turned towards the door and reached toward the handle of Rachel's bedroom door. But stopped. I heard sobs coming from her room, something I heard frequently. But I never tried to comfort her. She'd made up her mind about me, I was who I made myself out to be. That's who she saw me as. And it was better off that way.

I went downstairs and saw the lads continuing their game of cards, Liam's expression had turned blank like usual and Rachel was avoiding us. Everything was back to normal, but was normal the best thing?

(Idk if I should do this but I'll probably put this story for the watttys2015 )

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