Chapter 13

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Rachel's POV

Liam and I sat there, I didn't see Liam's face but he was probably just as shocked as I was. I sat there for a few moments my eyes wide, my brain still processing what had just happened. We'd been caught. This was it, it was over before it had even begun. Louis suddenly begins laughing looking at us, his lips curling up, his blue eyes squinting as he laughed.

"If you two could see your faces right now," Louis laughs, slapping his knee.  "Priceless. I can only imagine what they'll look like when Harry finds out." I shot up from the booth quick, on the defensive.

"You can't tell Harry!" I argue. I felt a wave of panic wash over me.

"Oh but love, I sure can." Louis smirks after responding to me.

"Who says he'll believe you?" I sneer. Louis just chuckles lightly.

"Well I'm his boss, who else could he trust more then me?" Louis leans against the wall looking at us with this evil smile formed by his lips.

"Louis," Liam speaks for the first time since we'd been caught in our love affair. "If you tell Harry, I swear to god-" Louis stops Liam, cutting him off. Liam's face is getting red, and out of the corner of my eye I can see the staff forming a huddle and whispering, glancing at us.

"You'll do what Liam? I'm a fucking drug lord, I'm untouchable." Louis replies simply. Liam rolls his eyes.

"Your such a cocky prick! You think you're a bad ass don't you?" Liam gets closer to Louis' taking it one step at a time. "But you're nothing but a wimpy little bastard!" this time Liam's low voice, bellows in the restaurant. And everyone goes dead quiet. All of the other diners are now staring at us, examining the scene before their eyes. The only noise is the classical music playing in the restaurant.

"Oh Liam," Louis shakes his head. "But you don't realize, you're just a guy who thinks he's so cool with leather jackets, and the ability to hide emotions. But I know your weakness now." Louis grabs me by the arm and pulls me towards him, I'm trying to pull away but Louis won't have it.

"Don't fucking touch her!" Liam yells. I see a waiter trotting in our direction with caution. He reaches us and clears his throat softly.

"I'm sorry but you'll have to take this outside." he says avoiding the eyes of both Louis and Liam. While Louis' distracted I rip my arm from his grip and take a few steps back. Liam takes my hand and we all walk outside. Once outside and I turn to face Louis, who's checking me out. God I couldn't decide who was worse, Harry or Louis?

"L-Louis, please don't tell Harry! You don't know what it's like to be locked away in that house all the time. This is the first time I've been out of the house enjoying myself in the longest time!" I beg. Louis shrugs.

"Perhaps there can be an arrangement," Louis begins eyeing us. Liam wraps an arm around me protectively.

"What kind of arrangement?" he implores.

"The kind that only Louis Tomlinson comes up with." Louis replies with a devious smirk.


"Really? You want me to buy you a fucking piano?" Liam asks as we stand in the music store. Louis gave Liam directions about where to go. The whole time I was nervous, because Louis wouldn't tell us the deal until we reached our destination. I had been worried he was going to shoot us or something. But I was a little surprised when we had arrived at the music store.

"Come on, it's not that big of a deal!" Louis whines as he strokes his fingers over a sleek back piano. Louis touches the keys, running his hands over them. He looks absolutely in love with it. "Besides, I'll keep your secrete if you do." I arch an eyebrow at Louis.

"These are the arrangements only Louis Tomlinson makes?" I question scanning the piano which was rather nice.

"You can't just buy it yourself?" Liam asks. Louis scoffs and shakes his head.

"No! People might think I'm a sissy. But if it's a gift, then I have to accept it. It's rude to deny gifts." Louis turns to Liam with sad puppy dog eyes. And Liam caves.

"Fine." he groans. Louis jumps up and down cheering. And he's worried buying himself a piano would make him look like a sissy. Liam talked to a employee and they made the arrangements to deliver the piano to Louis' flat-which Louis gave her the address for. Liam payed for the piano. The piano that coast over two thousand pounds. I wondered where Liam got all that money from.

"Yay!" Louis cheers once it's all paid for. Liam rolls his eyes and then looks Louis dead in the eyes, squinting his caramel ones a little.

"Remember our deal. I bought you this damn piano, now keep your mouth shut to Harry about Rachel and I. Got it?" Liam's voice is low and Louis nods still smiling.

"You got it!" Louis gives Liam a thumbs up before resuming jumping and down again.


"I'm sorry everything got ruined." Liam says on the drive back to the brownstone. I shrug.

"Liam, don't worry. I had a wonderful time." I reassure him. Liam gives me a sarcastic look.

"So you had a wonderful time almost getting our secrete told to the one and only Harry Styles. You had a wonderful time watching me spend loads of money on that prick!" I can hear Liam mutter something under his breath but I can't comprehend it.

"Liam, I'm just glad I got to spend sometime out in the real world, out in society with you." I reply to him. I blushed at how corny I was being. Liam just looks at me. "Watch the road!" I direct. I didn't want to crash.

"It's just that, I mean, I had so much planned but it's all ruined. I just wanted you to get everything you deserve." Liam mutters. He sounds disappointed in himself.

"Liam, it's not your fault. I got treated exactly how I deserved tonight. You defended me and you showed how much you care about our relationship. You spent over twenty thousand pounds on that piano!" I exclaim. "And besides, now we have a chance to go on a million other dates." Liam smiles but then frowns.

"But we can't just do them whenever, we have to be cautious about Harry." Liam reminds me. I nod remembering and sighing.

"I know." I mutter. "But it's all worth it, I mean if you hadn't come along, I would still be miserable with nothing to really look forward to." I stick to my optimism and smile at Liam. I lean over and rest my head on his shoulder closing my eyes.

(Please vote + comment (-: read my other stories too unheard cries & good girls like bad boys they are both Harry fanfics so please go check them out ,, and I've been thinking out doing a punk Louis story but I'm not sure. My plan was to just write punk Harry , but idk man I have Louis feels rn . Should I ? Please comment if I should or what you think . Also , please please I'm begging you please give feedback! Ilya)

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