Chapter 21

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Rachel's POV

Harry Styles died at two-thirty five the next morning.

It was so surreal finding out the news. Anne, Louis, Niall, Liam and I had all fallen asleep in the waiting room. I'd fallen asleep resting my head on Liam's shoulder. I remember opening my eyes a bit in one of those half awake-half asleep dazes. I saw nurses and doctors scurrying around hospital. I sat up a bit which caused Liam-who had his arm wrapped around my waist-to wake up as well. And then the doctor walked out of what I remembered was Harry's room, and he walked over towards all of us. Slowly Liam and I began waking people up. Well Liam did, but I just choked on my sobs as I realized what the doctor was going to tell us. I mean what else would he be telling us at two in the morning?

"He's gone," the doctor told us once everyone was awake. "I'm sorry for your loss." this eerie silence fell over all of us until Anne started sobbing. And I felt my insides collapse. I knew it was going to happen, but no matter how long I'd known, I would never of been prepared for the news. "It was peaceful, he was asleep." I saw Anne nod her head, and she kept crying. Niall was comforting her, trying to hold back his own sobs. Liam had his head in his hands. He was trying to hide his sobs, but he was unsuccessful. Louis just sat there shaking his head, as if he were stunned.

"It's all my fault." he sobs out finally. "I gave him the job, and now, now he's dead!" I stopped my crying and went over to Louis to comfort him. "Dammit, it's all my fault!"

"No it's not," I tell Louis. "It's not your fault." I felt like I could collapse onto the ground then and there, but I didn't have the right to do that. I'd hated Harry for the majority of the time I'd known him. Then, Anne stopped sobbing for a split second.

"I need to call Gemma," she says in a small voice. Louis shakes his head, wiping his eyes.

"No, I'll call her." Louis says. "Just sit." Louis stands up and takes out his cell phone walking over towards the bathrooms. My eyes connected with Anne's and I felt her pain, and I felt her loss. She'd just lost her son, and that old saying came into my head.

"Children should bury their parents, not the other way around."


I opened the door slowly and walked into the house. Harry's house, the house I was living in because I'd been forced to. It was quite, and it was like time was standing still. I turned and looked over at the living room, there was a bag of corn chips sitting on the coffee table, and xbox game cases laying there as well. It felt like Harry had just been here, playing black ops.

I felt flashes of memories come before my eyes. I walked towards the stairs and I remembered when I'd sat on these stairs and watched Harry play the guitar, I watched him play and sing "When I'm 64" by the Beatles. And then I thought of the letter. I let out a sob and fell onto the stairs.

I felt someone hug me and I looked up to see Liam. I'd forgotten that he'd come back with me. I just sobbed into his shirt. Then after a few more moments I stood up and my eyes fell onto the dining room table. The table where Harry and his friends used to play their poker games. The table where Harry cooked breakfast for me and I'd wanted nothing more then to leave his breakfast and go upstairs. I turned away and walked upstairs, Liam following me.

I reached upstairs and walked towards my bedroom, I couldn't go into Harry's bedroom. Not yet. I turned to Liam. "You don't have to stay Liam, I'll be fine." I assure him.

"Rachel, I just saw you breakdown on the stairs, you can't be alone. You need someone to vent to-" I cut Liam off.

"Liam, I just want to be alone right now." I state. I realized how cold my voice sounded. Liam was going through the same thing, and he'd known Harry more then I had. Liam nodded his head and turned to leave, but I grabbed his arm to stop him. "I-I'm sorry. I just need some time to deal with this, I need a little while." Liam nods his head and kisses the top of my head before leaving.

I walked into my room and once again memories flashed before my eyes. When Harry had jumped on my bed waking me up, laughing obnoxiously with his friends. When he'd asked me to go to dinner with him. And when he'd been drunk, when he'd done things I wish I could forget. Harry was right, I had bad memories of him, but I wish he was still alive to give me good memories.

I fell onto my bed and felt a tsunami tide roll out of my eyes. I grabbed on of my pillows to cling to and saw Harry's hardcover copy of the Great Gatsby. I opened it up slowly, thinking of the letter and how he said he would read it to me in a corny twenties accent. I tried to think of Harry doing a corny twenties accent. It made me smile a little thinking of it.

But then I just started to cry again.

Pls don't hate me (: honestly I cried writing this last week or two weeks ago and I was like I'm gonna die if I update this chapter & everyone's going to hate me :(  please vote and comment if you cried and I think I just broke thousands of hearts *violently cries* does anybody need a hug ? Because I do!


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