Chapter 10

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Rachel's POV

I woke up on a Sunday morning, feeling this new hope I'd been feeling since Liam and I had become a "thing". I suppose that's how you could put it. I smelled something cooking downstairs. I sat up and allowed myself to wake up at bit as the smell of bacon reached my nose. Along with hint egg. I managed to plant my feet firmly on the ground, still feeling groggy and half asleep. But I dragged myself from my room and through the hall, and down the stairs taking them one at a time. I reached the ground floor and the smell became stronger as I followed it and found myself standing in the kitchen. I was shocked by the scene before me. Harry had an apron wrapped around him and was standing at the stove cooking. He was actually cooking something and not making himself a bowl of coco pops like usual. Yes, he was twenty-one and still ate coco pops. Then again so did I. Suspicion rose and I raised an eyebrow as he looked at me and raised his eyebrows smiling a little.

"Morning." he chirps. His deep and usually threatening voice actually sounds friendly. I'd never taken Harry to be a morning person, he was usually grumbling about and recovering from hangovers. I hesitated as I stepped into the kitchen my feet hitting the cool tiles and I leaned against a nearby counter top.

"Morning..." I mutter still suspicious of what this was for. Was he trying to butter me up to have sex with him? Probably. Harry pulled the pancake pan and pulled the top open to reveal four pancakes.

"Breakfast should be ready soon." Harry tells me as if this is the usual morning routine. I nod and slowly start to walk away to prepare myself some morning tea. "Tea's on the stove." Harry states as if he could read my mind. I turned and saw the tea kettle sitting promptly on a back burner. The eggs were in a pot on the remaining back burner while the bacon fried on a skillet pan, and the pancakes were being made on the remaining burner. I had no idea Harry could boil water, let alone make all this. He seemed so relaxed about this like he was a pro.

"Oh." I finally speak after observing the scene a bit more. I stumbled towards the dining room table and I sat down, glancing at Harry every once in a while still suspicious. Just as I thought things were as weird as they come, Harry spoke yet again.

"I've invited my mates over as well." my eyes widened and I stood up feeling wide awake.

"W-what?" I ask ready to leave knowing that this breakfast was for his friends and not me. Harry looks over and smirks dumping the pancakes on a plate that was piled high with them.

"I thought they should meet you, you know proper like." Harry replies. I suddenly felt very nervous and suspicious. Were they going to gang rape me?

"Why?" I ask firmly trying not to let my fear show.

"Well, I think after all these months you should be known more then as just the girl who lives here and stays in her room all day." Harry explains so casually as if we were actually friends. As if it was my choice to be locked away here.

"But that's what I am." I reply flatly, Harry stops what he's doing-which is pushing around the scrambled eggs with his wooden spoon-and he looks up at me. His content face drops and he looks frustrated. "Harry, you know it as well as I do, I'm not your friend, I'm not here by choice!"

"Rachel, why do you make everything so difficult?" Harry asks furrowing his eyebrows and turning to me. His voice isn't as friendly, it's frustrated, his facial expression and tone of voice were now decided to be the same.

"I'm making things difficult?" I ask him in disbelief. Harry rolls his eyes.

"Yes!" he cries losing his cool. "Everytime I try to do something nice you have to make me feel bad for doing it, and then you act like their's some other reason, some hidden reason like I'm going to hurt you!" Harry booms directing his green orbs towards me. I scoff at him.

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