Chapter 23

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Look how cute Harry and Rachel would've been if things had been different :,(


Rachel's POV

I drove on the highway in Louis' rang rover I was borrowing. Everything from Harry's room was in the backseat and the trunk. They were packed away in boxes making me realize that he was really gone. I saw an exit for Holmes Chapel and I pulled off and went down the road, I was headed to Anne's house to give her Harry's personal things. I still hadn't looked in that trunk which had been at the foot of his bed. It was taking up the majority of the space in the trunk. I'd called Anne and she had thanked me for offering to bring Harry's things to her, she was such a sweet woman, I wished I could of met her under different circumstances.

The range rover rode smoothly along the roads. I saw houses begin to appear and a few shops here and there. People walked along the streets, it made me think that at one point, Harry had walked these streets. He'd gone into these shops, people here knew him in a way I didn't. I wonder what they thought of him, I wish Harry had known how many people had loved him before he'd made a change to a tattooed punk man, that had been evident at the funeral. I kept driving down the winding roads, putting distance between myself and the shops. I followed the directions Anne gave me and soon found myself at a rather nice house. It had a beautiful garden in the front, the lawn was well kept. I pulled into the driveway and turned the car off. I saw the front door open and Anne appeared, I got out of the car and Anne hurried up and hugged me as if she'd known me forever. I couldn't pull away and I didn't want to. I hugged her back and soon she pulled back flashing a weak smile.

"Thank you again for doing this." Anne says. I smile.

"It's no problem." Anne opens the car door and nods her head as if she expected the many boxes.

"I'll go get Gemma to help." Anne announces before jogging back into the house. I began grabbing a few boxes and soon Anne appeared, Gemma trailing behind her. Gemma looked even more like Harry now because she lacked makeup. She attempt to give me a hug over all the boxes but it's rather awkward. Anne and Gemma grab boxes and we go inside, the house is just as nice on inside as it is on the outside. "Robin will be home soon and he'll be glad to see you." I remembered meeting Robin at Harry's funeral, he was Harry's stepdad and he was in tears the whole time. I nod. After a few more trips the only the thing left was the trunk. It took both Gemma and I to carry it in, finally we set it down on the hardwood living room floor. We all stared at the boxes for a while until Gemma pulled a box cutting from the drawer of a side table. She got to her knees and cut the box open. She settled on the floor and looked through it, she pulled out a band-t of Harry's, one of the ones with the sleeves cut off. It was for a band called the Arctic Monkeys. Gemma holds it to her nose and inhales the scent; she smiles and keeps inhaling the smell. "Gemma," Anne whispers. Gemma looks up at her mum with tears in her eyes.

"S-sorry, it just smells like him." Gemma stammers an apology. Gemma keeps a hold of the shirt and looks into the box. "This box is just t-shirts." Gemma informs us.

"I organized them. The cloths I mean." I announce. "One box has Harry's t-shirts, another has those tight pants he was always wearing and his boxers are in another box. I found a few dress shirts and khakis so they're in a box together." I explain quickly. Both Gemma and Anne nod. Gemma looks over at the trunk.

"What's in here?" she implores scooting over to it.

"I-I never opened it." I answer. "It seemed personal." Gemma chuckles a little.

"And his boxer briefs aren't?" she jokes. I smile lightly at her joke and she undoes the laches on the trunk.

"Gemma, are you sure y-" Gemma cuts Anne off.

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