Chapter 17

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Enjoy this picture of Liam and Louis at the Believe in Magic Ball ((: I'm so proud of Louis

Harry's POV

It had been two days since I had opened up to Rachel about my past. The two of us would sometimes sit in the same room, but not for too long because the awkwardness it bared would become uncomfortable so one of us would leave. I wish I could think of a way to apologize to Rachel for how I treated her. I wish I could tell her how I feel. I sat there contemplating it as I stirred the Frosted Mini Wheats I'd poured myself. They were all mush now, uneatable mush. Rachel appeared in the living room where I was sitting leaning over the mushy, soggy cereal. I saw her from the corner of my eye and turned to face her. She just shifted and gave a small wave. I returned her small wave with another from me. Then I turned back to my cereal, but Rachel's eyes stayed on me. Why was she watching me? I shifted uncomfortably under her stare. Finally I realized I needed to get out of the house. I needed to escape her gaze. So I stood up and carried the bowl of mush to the kitchen sink where I dumped it down the garbage disposal. I turned and saw Rachel fixing breakfast for herself. I cleared my throat hoping to get her attention. I did. She turned towards me a little.

"I'm uh, gonna head out for a bit." I inform her. Rachel nods.

"Alright." she replies. I left the kitchen and grabbed my jacket. Just as I was reaching for the door handle Rachel spoke again. "Harry," she begins. I turn towards her. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry." I looked at her in shock.

"W-what do you mean? What do you have to be sorry for?" I ask her, feeling a bit confused.

"Well I mean, perhaps I could of been a bit nicer." she admits. I shake my head.

"Rachel, I didn't deserve your kindness. I was a prick." I argue. She had nothing to be sorry for.

"Well I mean, when I first saw you I stereotypicalized you." Rachel admits to me looking down at the floor. "I should of been open minded, and-" I cut her off.

"Rachel, it's fine. I probably was exactly who you expected me to be. And that's because I've made myself like that. So don't feel bad, don't be sorry. I was the cause of all of it. And I'm the one who is, and will always be sorry." Rachel nods her head slowly.

"And Harry," she continues. "I hope you know that I want to forgive you, I wish it was easier. But just know that I really want to. I just need a little more time." I nod my head.

"Take as much time as you need to Rachel." I say. Then I grab her hand and squeeze it before leaving the house. I still just needed to get out and think about things.


For the first time in a long time I didn't go to a bar, I went to a cafe. I got myself an espresso and sat down at one of those small round tables with two chairs across from one another. And I thought and thought. How could I tell Rachel I loved her? How could express how very sorry I was about everything? I took another sip from my coffee cup and thought. I still couldn't believe she was sorry for not being nicer. I'm the one who should be saying that. She only acted like a sarcastic smart ass because I was the exact same to her. She only acted rude and cold to me because that's how I acted.

She was acting like that to defend herself. She was trying to show me that she wasn't some innocent little girl I could mess with. But she was so sweet and kind. The fact that she apologized for something that wasn't even worth apologizing for showed that she was a much better person then I could ever be. Then the thought came to me. Since I could ever get the words out of my mouth, perhaps I could get the words down on paper. But I didn't have paper. I had a pen. Yes, I carry a pen with me at all times. I don't know why, but I just do. Then my eyes fell onto the napkin holder in the middle of the small round table. I opened up my wallet and pulled out the pen I carried with me. It wasn't special, just one of those pens they hand out at the bank.

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