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That's how I felt today. With Don't Stop Me Now blaring on my iPod, I bounded up the stairs two at a time, energized and light on my feet. I strolled into the kitchen like I owned the place, and there they were—Mam and Da, already tucked into breakfast, chatting quietly over their cups. The air was warm and smelled of fresh toast and coffee, and I felt that rush of happiness that seemed to make everything glow.

"Morning, Mam," I greeted, planting a quick kiss on her cheek as I slid onto a stool across from them. I grabbed a piece of toast and started loading it with butter, feeling my stomach growl in anticipation.

"And what am I then, chopped liver?" Da grumbled, peering at me over the rim of his coffee cup, his eyebrows raised in exaggerated offense.

"Ah, sorry—morning, Da," I grinned, unable to keep the amusement off my face as I turned my attention back to my scrambled eggs.

"You look... well, sound happy, love," Mam said, eyeing me with a curious tilt of her head. "Is there something you'd like to share?"

"Nah," I replied casually, taking a sip of my orange juice. "This is lovely, Mam," I added between bites, savoring the warmth of the food.

"Do you really expect us to believe nothing's going on with you?" Da chimed in, raising an eyebrow. "You're practically shitting rainbows out of yer arse."

"John!" Mam swatted him on the arm, her lips twitching as she tried to suppress a smile.

"It's true, Edel. Kid looks like he's after a can of Red Bull or somethin'. Look at him—grinning like a bleeding eejit. Two days ago, he was looking like a fucking lost puppy, moping around this house like the sky was falling, and now he's Little Miss Sunshine? Not buying it."

"Jesus, Da," I muttered, chewing a mouthful of toast. "Anything else you'd like to add?"

"Nope," he said smugly, leaning back in his chair. "That's my daily dose of slander done."

"Grand," I replied, chuckling awkwardly. I stood up, gathering my plate, cutlery, and glass to bring them over to the sink. "See you tonight," I called over my shoulder, grabbing my backpack from the couch in the living room and heading out the door with a spring in my step.

Whistling happily, I slid into my car and pulled out my phone, a grin spreading across my face as I searched for my girlfriend's contact. A quick text was in order.

Yep. You read that right. Tara and I were back together. Anyone who tried to get in between or deny it could just suck my dick. Actually, scratch that—Tara'd have my head on a spike if I even hinted at letting anyone near me. Let's try this again: anyone who tried to get in between or deny it could take a fucking dive off a bridge. That's better.

Me: Morning, baby.

My Angel <3: Jonathan.

I chuckled, shaking my head. Tara was never what you'd call a ray of sunshine in the mornings, she was more like a thundercloud.

Me: Had your coffee yet?

My Angel <3: I'm standing in line, but some arsehole keeps changing his fucking order.

If there was one thing I knew, it was that delaying my girlfriend's coffee was practically a death wish. I felt a twinge of sympathy for the poor sod on the other end of her glare.

Me: Want me to run him over?

My Angel <3: That'd be attempted murder. I'm not looking for an attempt. I want to actually kill him. And I would, but they've only got plastic knives.

Needing 13 - Johnny KavanaghWhere stories live. Discover now