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"Wait, you kissed him?" Darragh's voice rang with surprise, his eyebrows shooting up before a wolfish grin spread across his lips. "You cheeky, cheeky little minx, Kitten."

I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I lowered my voice. "He kissed me," I corrected, though my words lacked conviction.

We were tucked away in the back of our History class with Mr. Falvey, who had decided to give his voice a rest by playing a documentary about World War II. Erin, Darragh, and I were seated in our usual spot—far enough from the teacher to talk, but not too far to seem suspicious.

"So what if he kissed you or you kissed him," Erin said excitedly, her eyes wide with barely contained glee. "You've kissed possibly the most sought-after rugby player in all of Cork!"

"Hey!" Darragh interjected, looking genuinely affronted as he leaned back in his chair. "What about me? I'm a fine fella too! Just because I've got my sights set on the England senior team doesn't mean I'm not coveted by the female population."

"You go after everything that wears a skirt, O'Shea. Your definition of good taste is a little different from mine."

"Want to come closer and find out what I think of your good taste, Connelly?" Erin's blush was instant, her cheeks flushing a deep crimson as she fumbled for a retort. "Cat got your tongue?"

"Stop flirting," I hissed, feeling my frustration rise. "And help me. I kissed the boy my sister likes."

Their teasing banter came to an abrupt halt as they turned their attention fully toward me, their expressions unexpectedly serious. "Want me to hold your hand, Kitten?" Darragh offered with a half-smirk.

"What for?"

Erin rolled her eyes and punched Darragh in the shoulder, hard enough to make him wince. Then she turned her attention back to me, her expression more serious. "Have you talked to Shannon about this?"

"Fuck, Erin," I sputtered, anxiety knotting in my chest. "You don't have to be a fucking Einstein to see that my sister likes Jonathan. And this is a conversation I'm not ready for. Shan's always been shy. She keeps her thoughts and feelings to herself, and I don't want to pressure her into telling me anything."

"For someone so smart, you're as thick as a fucking brick. Do you want me to draw it out for you, Kitten?"

"O'Shea, if you're not going to be helpful and insist on making ridiculous comments, then just turn around and keep watching that deranged psychopath midget slaughter innocent people."

"You guys are no fun."

Just as I was about to intervene, my phone buzzed in my pocket, the familiar vibration signaling a new text. I pulled it out and saw a message from Katie.

KittyKat: We have a problem.

Me: Shannon?

KittyKat: She's on her period, and remember that girl I mentioned? Bella? I don't know what happened in the bathroom, but she said something to your sister.

Me: Is she okay?

KittyKat: As okay as you can be when you're on your period and don't have any tampons or pads. Gibs and Johnny are with her.

Me: I'll be there in fifteen.

"I have to go," I said abruptly, shoving my phone into my bag and gathering my things in a rush.

"I'm going with you," Erin declared, already standing up. "I'm bored as fuck. We all know how World War II ended anyway."

Darragh, who had been sulking just moments before, perked up at the prospect of skipping class. "If you two go, I refuse to be left alone," he grumbled, pushing his chair back. "I'm going with you. Where are we going?"

Needing 13 - Johnny KavanaghWhere stories live. Discover now