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"You're gonna be alright, Shan," I said softly, wrapping an arm around her trembling shoulders and pulling her in closer. Her frame was tense against mine, and I could feel the weight of her stress. "Why didn't you call me? Or Gibs?" I asked, frowning as I looked down at her.

Shannon's eyes darted nervously to the floor, her legs bouncing restlessly as if she couldn't stay still. "Because you had a French test," she whispered. "I didn't want to get you in trouble. I know The Academy and the scouts are watching you like a hawk, and I was scared you'd get mad and... do something. So I called Joey, thinking he'd just come pick me up and take me home." Her voice cracked, and before I could react, a huge sob ripped from her throat, shaking her whole body. "I just wanted a ride home. I didn't think they'd... do that."

My chest tightened as I held her closer, rubbing her arm, wishing I could take away the pain that was tearing her apart. Just then, the door to Mr. Twomey's office creaked open, and out stepped Dad, Darren, and our principal.

"Again, I'm terribly sorry for what happened," Mr. Twomey said, extending his hand toward Darren in an attempt to make amends. "Please know that Tommen enforces a strict zero-tolerance bullying policy. This matter will be dealt with immediately." When Darren didn't move to take his hand, Mr. Twomey shifted awkwardly, turning his attention to Shannon, his face tight with discomfort. "Shannon, I saw the photographs. I'm very sorry for what you've endured."

The apology set my teeth on edge, and I couldn't hold back any longer. "So, what are ya actually doing about it?" I snapped, my voice tight with frustration. "It's all well and good saying you're sorry, but that doesn't mean a damn thing if you don't take action. Is Bella getting expelled? What about Kelly? She was just as involved. And Tash? She's no better for walking away and doing nothing."

"Johnny, I understand you're upset, but stay out of this."

I shot up to my feet, my blood boiling over. "No!" I shouted, unable to keep the fury from spilling out. "Three of them cornered my girlfriend's sister in the bathroom—two of them held her down and assaulted her! They're all sixth years! They're over eighteen, and Shannon's a minor! They should be arrested for what they did!"

"Johnny," Shannon murmured, tugging gently at my arm as if to calm me down. "Just... let it go."

"No, Shan!" I shook my head fiercely. "I'm not letting this go." I turned my glare on Mr. Twomey, my voice dripping with anger. "I want justice."

"It's not good enough," Darren chimed in, catching me by surprise with his agreement. "My sister was brutally assaulted by two girls during school hours—one of whom, I've just learned, has been bullying her for months. My brother and sister—"

"Oh, now she's your sister?" I muttered under my breath, shooting him a filthy look.

Darren frowned but pushed forward, addressing Mr. Twomey again. "—have been arrested for defending her when your staff failed to protect her. We're going through hell as it is, and all you can say is that you're sorry?" He shook his head, disbelief clear in his voice. "Forgive me, but what exactly are we paying for—"

"You haven't paid a cent!" Shannon cut in sharply, her eyes blazing as she turned on him. "Tara's paying for me to go here. Not you, Darren."

"Christ, Shan," he mumbled. "Aren't ya gonna let me finish?"

Before the argument could spiral further, Mr. Twomey spoke up, his cheeks reddening. "Miss Wilkinson has been suspended for the next three days," he said, though his tone lacked conviction. "I will bring this matter to the attention of the Board of Management at our next meeting. From there, we'll decide on the appropriate course of action."

Needing 13 - Johnny KavanaghWhere stories live. Discover now