Chapter 26

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I didn't even realize what I had done until it was already over with. I looked over and saw Lucas laying on his back on the floor beside my bed.

But, of course I was too busy yelling to even care at the moment,"You did WHAT?!".

Lucas sat up and rubbed the top of his head while he winced his face together out of pain,"Ouch Kayleigh, when did you get so abusive?".

I growled,"I got abusive because I gained strength and gained hormones from my stupid dog half while you were out parading with my ex-boyfriend! Now you better tell me what you were doing meeting Reed right now before I make you wish that you were one of those rare mateless cases!.".

He sighed then stood to his feet,"Kayleigh, I just wanted to see how bad this guy really was. I mean for you of all people to be involved with this low-life surely there must have been something that made you stay. I just wanted to know what it was.".

I barked,"Lucas, do you seriously think that I would lie to you after this time?! I mean c'mon if I haven't told you anything yet it is because I just didn't want to relive that moment! Don't you know that I was going through hard times?! Maybe it is painful for me to relive them! Has that thought ever crossed your mind?! I bet not because all you are thinking about at this point is yourself and some nosey drama that you want to stick your nose in!".

He just looked at me. I sighed then sat down,"I'm sorry Lucas. I didn't mean any of that. It is just these stinking hormones that I have been going through and they are driving me up the wall.".

Lucas walked over and sat beside me with the back of his hand pressed against my forehead," You don't seem to have a fever. Do you have anymore symptoms?".

"No, just irritability and the headache of a life time.". I let out a groan as I flopped back onto my bed.

He siimply sighed then looked at me,"Kayleigh. I'm sorry I went behind your back and stayed gone longer then I promised. I didn't think I would be gone that long. But, once Reed started to hang around me a little bit and kinda started to develop a friendship between him and --".

I shot up from the bed and glared at him. I felt my canines extend and my eyes grew dark as I began to snarl,"You developed a WHAT?!".

His eyes grew wide,"Kayleigh, you didn't even let me finish yet!".

I stood up and stood over him as if I was scolding him,"What else were you going to add on to that huh? We developed a friendship so I came back here so I could let him spend the night? Developed a friendship so that we could hang out more often when you head back up there sometime soon? C'mon Lucas, let's here what you really think!".

I didn't even realize it until I went full wolf that my rage had gotten the best of me. My clothes shredded off of my skin and fell to the floor like a couple of old rags. My bones began to break and crack into the form of my wolf. It wasn't until I was on all fours that I had noticed the shift. I growled then walked over to the window and curled up into a ball.

Lucas sighed then followed me over to the window and crouched down beside me. He began to pet my head before I jerked it away from him signaling him to quit.

"Kayleigh, I am not friends with Reed. I was saying that I had to leave and quit spying because he was beginning to develop a friendship with me. I didn't like him. In fact, he seemed ugly to me. I don't know what you saw in him.".

And that is when I heard Lucas's first thought through my own mind. 'Who am I kidding, dude looked too nice for his own good. I'm surprised Kayleigh went from him to me.".

I lifted my head up and made eye contact with Lucas then growled. He cocked his head to the side. I sighed then, without warning, shifted back to human. Lucas's eyes bugged out of his head, and it is probably the hormones that are making me not care right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2013 ⏰

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