Chapter 8

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Here is 8! Hope yall like it! I just finished it! I don't know when I'll be able to write 9. But, there is no cliffhanger in here! Yay! lol Enjoy!


I woke up to find something staring at me. I gained my vision after blinking a couple of times and realized it was Olivia. I sat up and rubbed my eyes,"Why are you staring at me?".

She laughed,"Because you look like you did yesterday and it's 6:50 in the morning.".

I glared at her then looked over to the clock. It read:"6:50 a.m Tuesday".

Crap, I still need to take a shower. This is why I took showers at night. I don't have time to be taking showers in the morning, I take too long.

I sighed then calmly got out of the bed. I walked to the bathroom and shut it to take a shower.

I finished my shower and came out of the bathroom. I looked at the clock that now read:"7:05 a.m Tuesday".

Great, I'm gonna be late...

"Ya know, I have something I can do to your hair while it is wet and it will look good.".

I looked over at Olivia to ask her something about her 'idea' she just proposed,"Oh yea? And what might that be?".

She jumped up excitedly and ran past me into the bathroom. I sighed then turned around and followed her into the bathroom to see her going through my drawers under my vanity. I leaned up agaisnt the wall sideways and crossed one leg over the other and crossed my arms over my chest. Oh yea, I look cool.

"Here, we'll use this!", she said holding up a spray can.

I pushed myself off the wall and over to her taking the can in my hands,"Mousse?".

She nodded,"Yep, I can make it curly and wet and when it dries it will look just as cute!".

I cringed at the word cute. I shrugged my shoulders at her then said,"Ok, fine. Just hurry up I still have to get dressed.".

She jumped clapping her hands,"Yay! Ok, while I get the stuff ready you go get your clothes on so you won't mess up my work by putting on clothes over your head!".

I sighed then walked out of the bathroom and over to my dresser. I opened up a drawer and pulled out a pair of blue jean capris. I slid them on and looped my white belt with studs threw the holes. I looked around some more and found a black tank top with a white cardigan. I slid them on then walked back into the bathroom to find what looked like a beauty parlor.

I sighed then walked over to the vanity stool and sat down. Olivia jumped up happily behind me holding a comb and was talking to me,"I can't wait to make you all pretty!!".

I kind of took it as an insult, but I'm not going into the looks conversation. Especially with her. I didn't have time for it.

A few minutes passed and she finally finished with my hair. I looked up and found my hair in a long line of ringlets going down from the roots of my hair to the tips on the ends. It was a dirty blond color due to it still being wet. She had my bangs pinned to the side revealing my forehead.

"Woah, thanks Olivia.", I glanced at the clock on the wall in the bathroom and it read:"7:40", I looked back at Olivia while standing up from the stool,"We need to go.".

She nodded then we headed out the door.

I hopped into the car and we headed to school. We get to school and I make my way to my locker. I open my locker and look around for the english book.

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