Chapter 15

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The courtroom was unusually quiet for the first session of the murder case. Orm and Lingling sat next to each other at the defense table, files sprawled out before them. 

Their client, Jeb, sat behind them, nervously tapping his fingers on the bench. The session wasn't going as bad as they feared; it was a typical back-and-forth of opening statements, no surprises yet. 

But for Lingling, it was more than just another day at court—it was personal.

Rick was standing at the prosecution table, glaring at her like he had a personal vendetta. And he probably did. Rick wasn't just the opposing attorney, he was her damn cousin—the one she hates like her life depends on it. 

Seeing him across the courtroom sent her blood pressure through the roof, and he knew exactly what buttons to push. Throughout the session, they exchanged death glares that could have burned the entire courtroom down.

Orm, catching on to Lingling's frustration, whispered, "You gonna kill him before we finish this case, or what?"

Lingling gritted her teeth, whispering back, "I might. He's the worst."

Lingling's glare remained locked on Rick, who was now going over some evidence in the case file. "I swear to God, he gets under my skin like no one else. He's like a cockroach. An annoying cockroach."

Orm stifled a laugh, leaning closer. "You know he's doing it on purpose, right? He's trying to get a reaction out of you. Don't give him that satisfaction."

Lingling's eyes narrowed. "Oh, I'm not. I'm saving it for later."

The session dragged on for another hour, with Rick making his points about the case, trying to paint their client, Jeb, as guilty. But Orm and Lingling held their ground.

As the prosecutor sat down, Lingling adjusted her blazer, straightening in her seat. She turned to Orm. "You got this Kornnphat"

Orm stood, smooth and composed. Her voice was clear, unwavering. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, let's not forget the foundation of our justice system—innocent until proven guilty. My client is not a murderer. Today, we will show that every so-called piece of evidence tying him to this crime is, in fact, circumstantial at best....."

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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