Chapter 14

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Lingling stood waiting in the lobby, checking her phone with one hand while absentmindedly flipping her car keys with the other. She glanced up when the elevator dinged, revealing Orm alongside her usual crew, Prig and Becky. 

Lingling's eyes immediately locked on Orm, her smile polite as she greeted the group, " Good day ladies, Hope y'all doing great" As she turned to look at Orm.

Orm caught the look and tried to play it off, but when Lingling casually asked, "Can I talk to you for a second?" in front of everyone, her nerves flared up.

Becky shot Orm a smirk. "Alright, alright, we'll catch up later either my place or Prig's." She gave Orm a playful kiss on the cheek, and Prig followed with an overly tight hug, whispering, "Take care, yeah?"

As the girls walked off, Orm turned to Lingling with an annoyed glare, not even hiding her irritation. "Really? Could you be more obvious, Kwong? You can't just ask to 'talk privately' right in front of everyone."

Lingling chuckled, clearly amused by how wound up Orm was. "God, loosen up a bit, Kornnaphat. It's just a chat."

Orm wasn't having it. "I'm not in the mood.."

Lingling, sensing Orm's tension, "Obviously" she muttered to herself but then sighed and decided to dial down her teasing. "Your mom told me you should ride with me to dinner. It's at my mother's house, and you don't know the direction"

Orm's eyebrow twitched at that. 'Really? Dinner with the moms, huh? So much for 'no strings attached,' she muttered, half to herself.

Lingling smirked as she heard her but didn't comment on that. "It's practical, that's all," she said lightly.

Still annoyed, Orm muttered, "I'm her daughter. She could've texted me herself you know."

Lingling simply shrugged. "She likes me better. Get over it."

Orm rolled her eyes but gave up on arguing. "Fine, let's just go."

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