Chapter 2

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The morning had barely started, and Orm had already prayed for a good peaceful day, with no certain Kwong roaming around her.

 She entered the office with a smile, hoping to keep things smooth. Her friends, Prig and Becky, were already there, sitting in their usual spots. Becky was her cheerful self, practically glowing with energy, while Prig looked like she was still half-asleep, sipping her coffee with one eye barely open.

" Good morning lovelies" Orm greeted smiling at them

"Morning, Ormie," Becky greeted, beaming as she took a sip of her own coffee.

Prig just grumbled, "Too early for this."

Orm chuckled, dropping her bag on her desk and settling into her chair. "You guys look like zombies, I told you not to party on a working night"

Prig with her shades on, already dead fallen to the chair, she lazily raised a thumb up.

Becky laughed. "Speaking of which, we've got a meeting with the police department later today."

Orm's mood instantly soured. She rolled her eyes, groaning as she leaned back in her chair. "Great. My favorite people. Why do I even have to keep dealing with them?"

"They're part of half your cases," Becky said, clearly amused by Orm's disdain. "It's kind of unavoidable."

"Still," Orm muttered, "they're annoying."

Just as the words left her mouth, the door to her office burst open, and standing there, looking like she owned the room, was Lingling Kwong.

"Kornnaphat. My office. Now." Lingling's voice was cold, clipped, and left no room for argument. She didn't even wait for a response, simply turned and left just as quickly as she came.

Orm stared at the door that had just slammed shut, the nerve of that woman boiling her blood, too late to pray for a good day?

She scoffed. "Who does she think she is?"

Prig, now slightly more awake, shook her head. "Uh oh, looks like you made Daddy Kwong mad. What'd you do this time?"

Orm turned, disgust evident on her face. "Don't call her that. God, gross."

Becky, who had been watching the whole thing in silence, raised an eyebrow, curiosity bubbling to the surface. "Aren't you going?"

Orm smirked, settling back into her chair and crossing her arms defiantly. "No."

Prig, wide awake now, blinked in surprise. "I'm pretty sure she was mad."

Orm shrugged, her smirk growing. "She could've asked more nicely. Then maybe I'd consider it."

Becky leaned forward, her voice lowering as if trying to talk sense into her. "You know she's a senior partner, right? She can totally do that if she—"

"Not to me, she can't," Orm cut her off, raising a hand. "I'm not in her team. She's not my boss." She pointed at Becky. "In fact You're my boss."

Prig snorted, clearly enjoying the tension. "I don't know, Orm. You're playing with fire. She seemed pretty pissed."

Orm just chuckled, flipping open her laptop as if the conversation were already over. "Exactly. That's what I want."

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