Chapter 20

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You jumped causing the books to fall from your arms. Springing back so that they missed your bare feet, bumping into a firm body. Strong arms gripped yours to help steady you so you wouldn't trip and fall on your ass. "Careful, babygirl." Keegan's deep voice rumbled in his chest which was pressed against your back, vibrating through you. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." His breath by your ear.

Keegan's arms were wrapped around you, holding you tightly against his chest. You could feel the warmth of his body against yours, and his breath was hot on your neck. He chuckled softly as he spoke, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine. "You came out of your room." he said, his tone a mix of concern and playfulness, with also a hint of relief.

You quickly escape his embrace and turned to face him. Feeling a pang of guilt when you saw the hurt in his eyes as you tried to get away from him. "Sorry." You apologize. Looking down at the pile of books. You bent down to pick them back up. Once you had them secure in your arms again, you stood back up. "I was just getting some books to bring back to my room."

Keegan watched you as you picked up the books, his expression a mixture of hurt and disappointment. He took a step closer to you, his eyes never leaving yours. "Why didn't you just ask someone to bring them to you?" he asked, his voice gentle.

You took a step back as he stepped closer. "I didn't want to bother anyone." You said, not looking at him.

Keegan noticed your retreat and stopped moving, a look of understanding crossing his face. "You're not a bother, babygirl." he said, his voice softening. "We would have brought them to you if you had asked."

You didn't say anything. You also still wouldn't look at him. You hugged the books tighter in your arms. Your heart was racing but you didn't know if it was fear or something else.

Keegan took another step forward, closing the distance between you. He reached out and gently touched your chin, tilting your head up so you had to look at him. "Hey, look at me." he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

You finally brought your eyes to meet his, his silvery blue gaze that always made you weak in the knees. Your eyes then drifted to his shoulder. He was wearing a loose collared sweater that shifted enough to show the bite mark, your bite mark, that you gave him not long ago.

Keegan noticed your gaze drifting to his shoulder, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He knew exactly what you were looking at, and he was pleased that you still remembered. "You're staring at my shoulder, babygirl." he said, his voice low and husky.

Emotions began to rise as well as tears. You shut your eyes as you pushed Keegan away and ran to your room, books clutched tightly to your chest. Slamming the door, you threw your books on the lounge chair by the window and crawled back into bed under your covers.

Keegan was taken aback by your sudden departure. He stood there for a moment, his expression a mix of confusion and hurt. He had been trying to be gentle with you, but your reaction had caught him off guard.

He made his way to your room and stood outside your door, listening to the sound of your sobs coming from the other side. He wanted to go in and comfort you, but he knew that you wanted space.

Alex had finished making you a sandwich when a frustrated looking Keegan walked into the kitchen. "Keegan?" Price asked as soon as he saw the look on Keegan's face.

Keegan let out a sigh as he took a seat at the table. "She ran off." he said, running a hand through his hair. "I tried to talk to her, but she just ran away."

"What? When?" Konig asked, shocked.

Keegan looked up at Konig and Price, his expression a mixture of frustration and concern. "A few minutes ago. I found her in the library, getting some books. I tried to talk to her, but she wouldn't look at me, and then she just bolted back to her room."

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