Chapter 24

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The four men looked up as you and Alex entered the room. Their eyes immediately zeroed in on you, their gazes roaming over your body once again. Price, Konig, and Ghost all smirked, clearly appreciating the sight of you in the dress, while Keegan let out a low whistle.

"Easy, boys." You said. It was silent as they all waited for you to begin. Taking a deep breath. "Ok, I guess first thing I should say is... Why is there a room with information of my people?" You asked.

The four men exchanged glances, as if silently debating who should speak first. After a moment, Price leaned forward in his chair, resting his arms on his knees. "We have a...thorough network of information," he said, his eyes fixed on you. "We like to know everything that goes on in the city, especially anything that could be a threat to us."
You furrowed your brows at his words.

"But darling," Price continued. "You should know we haven't been in that room since you coming here. Over a month ago. Honestly, we had totally forgot about that room given we've been...busy with more important matters." His tone hinting at an innuendo.

Ghost chuckled at Price's comment, a smirk playing on his lips. Konig rolled his eyes, clearly used to Price's antics, while Keegan looked amused.

"Oh really?" you asked, arching an eyebrow. "And what, exactly, has been more important than information about my people?"

"You." Price said simply.

You froze. "Oh." Your voice was quiet.

The three other men nodded in agreement, their gazes still fixed on you. Ghost's smirk widened, his eyes darkening with desire. "You've been taking up a lot of our attention, sweetheart," he said, his voice low and husky.

You look at the floor, feeling your cheeks flush again. It was quiet for a few more minutes. "Well, then what I want to suggest while Alex is here," you look over at your brother. "That maybe we could work together. To make this city better without using force." You finish turning your eyes back to the four Mafia members.

The four men all raised their eyebrows at your suggestion. It was a bold idea, to say the least, and they hadn't expected it. Price leaned back in his chair, a contemplative look on his face as he considered your words. "You want us to work together?" he asked, his voice skeptical. "You realize that we're mafia, right? We're not exactly known for our peaceful methods."

"Maybe not, but certain situations don't need to call for violence." Alex was the one who spoke this time.

Price turned his gaze to Alex, studying him for a moment before speaking again. "And what situations would those be, exactly?" he asked, a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Well for example, if you want a property, killing all residents who don't want to leave isn't ideal." Alex was starting to get upset as he recalled one of the times when basically a whole apartment building of residents were carelessly killed in a building collapse. The news claimed it was an accident, but your resistance knew better.

Price's expression hardened as Alex spoke, his jaw clenching slightly. He knew exactly what incident Alex was referring to, and he didn't appreciate the reminder of it. "We did what we had to do," he said defensively, his voice cold. "It was necessary to secure that property."

"No more killing." You said firmly. "Especially innocent people who didn't have any where else to go when your forces abruptly 'evict' them."

Price's eyes flashed with irritation at your demand. He was used to getting his way, and he didn't appreciate being told what to do. "And what exactly do you suggest we do instead, hm?" he asked, his voice laced with sarcasm. "Negotiate? Give them a choice to leave willingly?"

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