Chapter XVII

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Chapter XVII
First Love


As dawn came, I in bed, wide awake, watching my husband sleep. His thick brows and those long lashes, his sharp nose, and soft, kissable lips—every detail pulled me in. My cheeks heated up as flashes of last night hit me.

He was rough and gentle all at once, and I could still feel every bit of it lingering in the quiet morning air. These occasional nights of passion made it feel real—like we truly were a married couple, only that there was something else missing.

I sighed.

I sat across from Roxanne in a cozy little corner of the café, watching her bounce Stella gently on her lap. Stella cooed and wriggled, her tiny fingers grasping at Roxanne's necklace, and the sight made my heart melt a little. The atmosphere felt warm, familiar, even safe. Maybe that's why I felt the urge to spill everything.

"He's... good to me," I said quietly, not even sure where to begin.

"Richard, I mean. He does all these little things—making sure I don't have to wait up too long, remembering what I like even though I don't think he notices himself." I hesitated, tracing the rim of my cup with my finger.

"And... I hate to admit it, Roxanne, but I can feel myself... caring about him. More than I expected to." I could feel a warmth creep over my face as I said it aloud.

Roxanne smiled knowingly, her gaze soft as she balanced Stella on her knee.

"Why hate to admit it, Kassie?" she said, her voice gentle but full of encouragement.

"That's a good thing. Real feelings are what marriage is all about. You're allowed to feel something—embrace it, let him see it."

I let out a shaky laugh, still not quite sure. "But... what if he doesn't feel the same way?" The words came out softer than I meant, barely more than a whisper.

She reached across the table, taking my hand in hers with a gentle squeeze. "You'll never know if you don't give him a chance to see the real you," she said, her tone reassuring.

"Besides, he'd be crazy not to feel something for you."

After meeting with Roxanne, I made my way back to the office, the conversation replaying in my mind. Her words lingered, stirring something hopeful within me.

Could it be? Could Richard also feel something for me?

I bit my lower lip, suppressing a smile as a flutter of butterflies rose in my stomach. Just the thought of it made my heart pound a little faster, filling me with a nervous excitement I hadn't felt in so long.

I tried to shake it off, to focus as I reached my office, but I couldn't help the surge of warmth that kept creeping in. The idea that maybe, just maybe, there was something real between us was making me feel a mix of emotions.

As I settled into my chair, I felt a surge of motivation to get some work done. I scanned the whole room, greeted by a set of dedicated and eager aspiring talents. I couldn't help but be reminded of the times when I was in their shoes.

"Good day, everyone," I greeted with a smile, hoping to ease the tension in the atmosphere.

"Alright, let's dive in," I said, flipping through the stack of drafts.

"Carlos, you've got the lead on the exposé. How's that coming along?"

Carlos leaned forward, adjusting his glasses. "It's shaping up, but I need another source to confirm a few claims. I'm hoping to have that by the end of the day."

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