Chapter XIX

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Chapter XIX


After the meeting, I returned to my office and settled into my chair. Leaning back, I massaged my temples, letting the quiet atmosphere bring a sense of calm. My phone buzzed with a message—it was from Richard, saying he'd pick me up after work. A smile crept onto my lips; it had been a while since we'd spent time together, with his schedule being so hectic lately.

I let out a sigh as my thoughts drifted back to Jasper. I hadn't heard from him in years—I'd chosen not to know about his whereabouts, and my friends were careful never to bring him up when I was around.

"Miss Kassie..." Sophie knocked softly on the door.

"Come in," I replied, sitting up straighter to greet her with a smile. "Is there something I need to sign?"

"It's past lunchtime, Miss..." she said, a hint of hesitation in her voice.

I glanced at my wristwatch, slightly surprised to see it was already a quarter to three. The meeting had run so long that we'd skipped lunch. I'd planned to grab something afterward, but I'd gotten so lost in thought that I forgot.

"Sir Jasper invited the team out for a late lunch. We were hoping you could join us." I was taken aback at the mention of Jasper's name. It hadn't taken him long to win the team over.

"I'll just have my food delivered..." I told Sophie, politely declining. "I'm feeling a bit under the weather."

Sophie nodded in reply before stepping out of the room. I took a deep breath and sighed. Thank goodness she didn't bother asking questions.

Once again, silence wrapped around me as the thoughts settled back in my mind. Soon, the quiet hum of the air conditioner began to fade into the background, and before I knew it, I found myself lulled into a peaceful slumber.


By the time I woke up, it was nearly six in the evening. If it wasn't for the faint ache brought by dozing off in my office chair and Richard's gentle pats on my arm, I would have slept through the day.

I looked up, bringing Richard's warm gaze to meet with mine. I couldn't help but smile in reply the moment I caught a glimpse of the soft smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

"Richard," I murmured, sitting up straighter and brushing a hand through my hair in an attempt to shake off the grogginess.

"Long day?" he asked, his tone gentle, laced with a hint of sympathy. He leaned against my desk, watching me with that familiar, attentive expression as though he was genuinely interested in whatever I had to say.

Just then, my stomach betrayed me with a loud rumble, reminding me of the lunch I'd completely missed. Richard let out a soft chuckle, and I immediately bit my lower lip in embarrassment.

"Sorry..." I apologized, feeling my cheeks warm. "I dozed off and... forgot to take lunch," I admitted, hoping to brush it off lightly.

A flicker of concern crossed his face, his usual calm demeanor briefly overshadowed by a hint of worry.

"I'm fine," I assured him, forcing a small smile. "Though... I can't deny that I'm famished."

Richard took a deep breath and sighed, as though deciding something. "Well, then we should get going," he said, pushing himself off my desk. "There's no way I'm letting you skip another meal."

I found myself smiling back, a bit of my earlier tension slipping away. Richard's insistence had a way of making things feel lighter, like maybe I could let go of the day's stresses, at least for a little while. He extended a hand toward me, and as I took it, a sense of relief washed over me.

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