Chapter X

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Chapter X


The car stopped at the foot of a familiar restaurant – it was the same place we had dinner the first time we met. I bit my lower lip, feeling nervous as I was reminded of what happened that night.

"It's never going to happen again." Richard held my hand, giving it a light squeeze. It was as if he read what was on my mind. Then, he made his way out of the car to open the door for me.

"Thank you." I smiled as I brought my arm to cling to his – I don't know when it started, but it became a natural thing to do whenever we were going out. Then, we made our way into the restaurant.

Just as we were about to sit at our table, a voice broke through the moment. "Well, well, if it isn't Mr. Perfect Husband himself!"

I turned to see Laurenze approaching us with a wide grin plastered on his face.

"Laurenze!" Richard greeted him, clapping him on the shoulder.

"Kassie, you've got yourself an ideal husband here, don't you?" Laurenze teased, a playful glint in his eye.

"I'm telling you, this guy is the total package—looks, brains, and now, apparently, perfect husband material too."

I couldn't help but laugh at his antics, but before I could respond, he dramatically placed a hand on his chest.

"You know, I vowed to marry Richard myself once upon a time. I'm starting to think he broke my heart for you," he said, winking at Richard.

I was frozen for a moment as thoughts of Richard and Laurenze being married flashed in my mind. Heavens! That would be my greatest nightmare. My thoughts were immediately cut off as I felt Richard's hand encircling my waist, grounding me.

Richard laughed, shaking his head. "Enough, Laurenze. You might give Kassie the wrong ideas."

Laurenze chuckled, clearly enjoying himself. "Hmm... right."

He turned to me, his expression playful yet earnest. "Oh, yes! Back in the day, everyone thought Richard and I were an item. I mean, who wouldn't want to date this guy?" He gestured dramatically at Richard, making me chuckle again.

At that moment, I wanted to bury myself alive. How could I have doubted my husband's preferences? I should have just asked him directly. Knowing that he isn't gay relieved me; it meant he was attracted to women—I still stood a chance.

But the joy was fleeting. Yes, he was attracted to women, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I wasn't the type to catch his eye. We had been sharing the same bed for nearly a month, yet nothing had happened between us.

"Don't you like the food?" Richard's question pulled me back to reality.

I lifted my gaze to meet his, then my eyes traveled down to his lips, where a bit of sauce clung to the corner. Before I could think twice, my hand reached out to wipe it away with my fingers.

The moment I realized what I had just done, my cheeks flushed with heat. Gosh! What on earth was happening to me?

"That's normal, Kass," Roxanne said softly as she gently rocked her daughter to sleep in her arms, the rhythmic motion soothing both the child and the air around us.

"I mean, it's not wrong to be attracted to your own husband."

After lunch, Richard said he had to go to the city hall for work so I asked him to drop me off at Roxanne's place. I knew deep down that what I was feeling wasn't just normal jitters; I needed someone to confide in, someone who could help me sort through the confusion swirling in my mind.

"A—Attracted?" I stammered, doubt creeping into my voice.

Roxanne turned to me, her gaze steady and knowing. "Don't deny it. It's obvious. You have the hots for Mr. Mayor, a.k.a. your husband."

Heat rushed to my cheeks at her words. Was I really attracted to Richard? If I was, then Roxanne was right—there was nothing inherently wrong with it, especially since we were married. But then... did he feel the same way about me?

"The best piece of advice I can offer you right now is... let yourself be free," Roxanne said, her eyes locking onto mine with an earnestness that made me feel seen. She offered a comforting smile, as if sharing a secret that could liberate me.

"I understand the feeling of awkwardness and hesitation. It's completely normal; it usually doesn't last long. You'll soon get over it. We just don't know when." She shrugged lightly, her casual demeanor contrasting with the weight of my thoughts.

"But one thing's for sure—if you continue to let yourself be enslaved by that fear, there will be so many things you'll miss out on and end up regretting," she added, her voice firm but gentle.

I took a deep breath, letting her words sink in, and let out a small chuckle. I often wondered how Roxanne managed to come up with such insightful advice. At times, she almost sounded like a guru.

As I sat on Roxanne's couch, watching her gently rock her daughter to sleep, a wave of warmth washed over me. The soft lullabies and the rhythmic sway of her body created a peaceful atmosphere that made my heart swell. I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to have a child of my own with Richard—our own little family.

The vision was both beautiful and daunting. I pictured a small child with Richard's striking features, perhaps his deep-set eyes and that charming smile that could light up any room. Would our little one inherit his intelligence and kindness?

The thought brought a smile to my face, but it was tinged with a hint of uncertainty. Does Richard feel the same?


The late afternoon sun streamed through the window and cast a warm glow over the stacks of files in front of me. As I flipped through the latest project reports, my phone buzzed, interrupting my focus.

I glanced at the screen and saw my mother's name flash across it. A smile tugged at my lips; her calls always had a way of grounding me amidst the whirlwind of responsibilities.

"Hey, Mama," I answered, trying to keep my voice light and cheerful, even though I was still buried in work.

"Richard! Just a quick reminder about the charity ball on Friday night. You're still coming, right?" Her voice was a mix of excitement and motherly concern, and I felt a swell of warmth wash over me.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it," I replied, straightening my posture in the chair. I knew how much these events meant to her, especially with the foundation she had worked tirelessly to support.

"I've just got a lot on my plate right now with the upcoming city council meeting."

"Don't let work take away from family time," she chided gently.

"You need to remember to balance your duties with your personal life, Richard. It's important for your wellbeing—and for Kassie's, too."

At the mention of my wife's name, I was then reminded of the subtle hints of sadness in her eyes. Mama's words made me reflect on my actions. Perhaps I'm not giving her enough attention – maybe that is what bothers her?

I had yet to inform her about the event. At the back of my head, I could imagine her feeling ecstatic. She loves attending balls, especially ones that comes with a good cause.

"Sir, someone's looking for you..." My secretary knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"She says she's an old friend of yours – Ms. Eunice Dela Vega."

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