Chapter XX

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Chapter XX


The inviting scent of pancakes drifting through the room woke me up from my sleep – it was then that I realized that I had slept in later than usual. I carefully slipped out of bed and headed to the kitchen, following the delicious aroma, and there he was – Richard, standing at the stove, flipping pancakes with an easy confidence. He looked cute in my ruffled apron.

He then looked over, catching my sleepy expression with a warm smile.

"Good morning," he greeted.

"Good morning," I replied, stifling a yawn, feeling a pang of guilt for sleeping in so late.

"I'm sorry I overslept..."

"It's fine. It's not every day I get the chance to make breakfast," he replied, shaking his head and dismissing my apology with a wave of his hand.

"Worried I'd end up burning the kitchen?" he asked with a laugh.

"Maybe a little," I teased, settling onto one of the stools by the kitchen counter and taking the opportunity to watch him as he moved about.

"Don't you have work today?" I asked.

"I do, but my first appointment isn't until ten." He poured another ladle of batter onto the griddle, glancing over with a smile.

"I was thinking I could drive you to the office, if you'd like."

A small, unexpected flutter of excitement bubbled up in my chest, and I felt myself blush.

"Oh... that would be nice," I managed, trying to hide my smile.

After breakfast, as Richard tidied up the kitchen, I headed back to our room to freshen up. This wasn't the first time Richard had offered to drive me to work, but each time, I found myself looking forward to the sweet gesture.

It took me a moment to decide what to wear. Finally, I picked a flowy wrap dress with a ribbon at the waist, simple and comfortable, yet polished enough for the office. Paired with small earrings and comfortable heels.

"How do I look?" I asked as I descended the stairs.

"Lovely as always," Richard replied, slipping his arm around my waist and planting a kiss on my forehead. He led the way to the car, and, as always, was thoughtful enough to open the door for me.

The drive was quiet at first – the city's morning light cast soft shadows across the streets, and I watched as we passed familiar landmarks, feeling a gentle contentment settle over me.

"So," he said, breaking the silence as he pulled up to a stoplight, "anything exciting on your schedule today?"

I chuckled, mentally running through the long list of emails, meetings, and endless paperwork waiting for me.

"Nothing too thrilling—just the usual whirlwind." I glanced over, catching the way his eyes crinkled at the corners, that same comforting look I'd come to expect from him. "What about you?"

"Another day, another campaign meeting," he replied with a shrug, though his expression softened.

"But... getting to start the morning like this is pretty refreshing."

I smiled, feeling the familiar flutter again.

"Actually," he began, leaning slightly over the console, "I was wondering if you'd like to join me one of these days. For a campaign event."

Surprised, I looked at him, searching his face for signs of hesitation, but he only watched me with that steady, encouraging gaze.

"You mean... actually be part of it?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, a mix of curiosity and nerves bubbling up inside me.

"Of course," he said, a small smile playing on his lips. "It'd mean a lot to have you there. You'd get to see the work up close, meet some of the people I work with... see what a 'day in the life' is like."

I felt the warmth of his invitation settle over me, and the thought of standing by his side in that capacity stirred something unfamiliar and exciting.

"That... actually sounds amazing," I replied, smiling.

"I'd love to."

The thought of joining Richard at one of his events gave me butterflies, carrying me through the entire morning with a renewed sense of excitement. After my last meeting, I headed toward the cafeteria for a quick lunch, still thinking about his invitation.

Just as I reached the elevator, I spotted Jasper inside. I almost stopped in my tracks, a bit taken aback—I'd nearly forgotten we worked in the same building. His familiar smirk surfaced as he saw me.

"Going down?" he asked, holding the door open.

I hesitated but eventually stepped inside, standing closer to the panel. As the doors slid shut, the silence stretched between us for a beat too long.

"So... how's work treating you?" he asked casually, breaking the silence.

"Good," I replied, keeping my tone professional. "Busy, but manageable."

He chuckled lightly, turning his gaze on me with that familiar, playful glint. "You know, you're always so polished and serious now. What happened to letting loose?"

I raised an eyebrow, glancing at him with a mild look. "I think I still know how to relax," I replied, my tone cool.

"Oh yeah?" he shot back with a grin, folding his arms. "How's married life treating you, anyway?"

I could feel his eyes on me, almost daring me to flinch. I took a breath, meeting his gaze directly.

"He's nothing like you," I replied firmly.

Jasper paused, the smirk on his face wavering as he sensed the unshakable tone in my voice. His teasing smile faded, and he let out a soft, almost uncertain chuckle.

"Right," he said quietly, nodding as he looked away. The easy confidence I'd known from him seemed to slip away, replaced by an awkward tension that hung in the air.

"Richard is... nothing but the best husband to me," I added, my voice steady.

"So do me a favor; I would really appreciate it if you kept your distance."


It was late in the evening, and the dim light of my office felt heavier than usual as I stared at my computer screen, the words blurring together. I was supposed to be finishing up work, but my mind kept drifting back to the conversation I'd had with Kassie earlier.

"He's nothing like you."

Those words echoed in my head, sharper than I expected. The firmness in her voice and the way she looked me straight in the eye made it clear she was serious.

"Richard is... nothing but the best husband to me."

I could see the walls she'd built around her life with him, and I'd just barged right in, thinking I could poke fun, thinking we could be like the old times – even after what happened.

I'd been a real douchebag. I understand her resentment towards me. After all, I cannot deny that I had treated her like a resource rather than a friend. I leaned back in my chair, running a hand through my hair.

Taking a deep breath, I turned back to my work, determined to push aside my thoughts of Kassie for the night. But even as I tried to focus, I could feel her words lingering, a reminder of how quickly things could change and how much I had lost by not recognizing what I had when I had it.

Sweetheart Series I: The Politician's WifeWhere stories live. Discover now