Chapter IX

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Chapter IX


A month into being the Mayor's wife, I could already feel the significant changes in my life. I could no longer go on strolls around town without being followed by a team of security personnel – a necessity given the nature of Richard's work.

At first, the constant presence of security made me feel like a celebrity, but the novelty quickly wore off. I missed the simplicity of my old life.

"Do they really follow you around—everywhere you go?" Tina asked. We were sitting in the living room of Richard and I's house, enjoying tea.

"They almost feel like a second shadow." I nodded in reply. "At first, it felt kind of cool, like I was living in a movie. But now, it's just exhausting. I miss the days when I could run errands without thinking twice about it."

"Sometimes I just want to grab a coffee without feeling like I'm on display. Like, just once, I'd love to sit in a café and not feel like the center of attention."

I took a deep breath and sighed. Tina gave me an apologetic look. "Well, I guess it's the price you're paying for marrying a politician."

"Should I just file for divorce then?" I joked. Other than the team of security following me around, being married to Richard was great – he's the most thoughtful man, never forgetting to ask me about day, bring me flowers, and help with the chores despite the exhausting day he had to deal with for work.

"If you really wanted to, you would have done it right from start." Tina shook her head. "We've been friends for long, Kass. I know that you're not the type to stick around against your will."

She then leaned back in her chair, looking at me with eyes filled with curiosity. "Come to think of it, I never got to ask..."

"How was the honeymoon?" she added.

I blinked, momentarily caught off guard by the question. My mind raced to the highlights of our trip—snorkeling, island hopping, and that beautiful dinner on the floating cottage.

"Oh, it was fantastic! We did so many fun activities," I said, excitement spilling over as I recalled our adventures.

"We went island hopping, swam with the fishes, and even tried scuba diving! It was exhilarating."

Tina raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "That sounds amazing! But did you guys get any time for just the two of you? You know, to unwind and enjoy each other's company?"

"Uh, well..." I hesitated, suddenly aware of the implications behind her words.

"We did spend time together, like during dinner. The view was incredible, and it was nice to just sit and talk. But it was mostly about the activities. We were busy having fun!"

Tina chuckled, shaking her head. "You sound so innocent! I meant more like... romantic moments. You know, just the two of you without all the fun distractions."

My cheeks flushed as I caught on to her meaning.

"Oh! Right, um... well, we did share a bed," I stammered, feeling the heat rise in my face.

"But honestly, I was so nervous about everything that I barely slept! It felt like I was lying there just waiting for something to happen." I shyly looked away.

A week after our wedding, Richard and I moved into our place. Continuing what we have started, we stay in one bedroom and share a bed – this time, without the pillow barrier, but there have been no intimate activities between us.

"So, you mean to say, you two have not done it yet?" she asked with much amusement, and I nodded in reply.

"Perhaps... the rumors about him being gay is true." Tina whispered.

Sweetheart Series I: The Politician's WifeWhere stories live. Discover now