Chapter XXI

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Chapter XXI


After dropping Kassie off at work, I headed to the campaign base. Somehow, the excitement in her eyes lifted my spirits. She was genuinely looking forward to joining me for a day at work, and I, too, am eager to have her by my side.

When I arrived, I was greeted by familiar faces, all buzzing with enthusiasm. Luigi, my secretary was quick to inform me of the agenda of today's engagements – we were volunteering at the local rice fields, focused on raising awareness on supporting agriculture and the farmers.

"You really did not have to do this, Mayor," Tata Cesar said as we finished ploughing the land. "We are all aware of how good of a person you are."

"It's no big deal, Tata," I replied. "After all, this isn't the first time I helped around." Even before the campaign period, I would occasionally go out of my office, volunteering to help the locals.

By noon, all the work was done. Wiping the sweat from my brow, I made my way back to the base for a quick break and another debriefing. The team had set up refreshments, and I gratefully took a cold drink.

"After today, everyone's going to vote for you," Laurenze said, clapping me on the shoulder.

He then paused, chuckling. "Come to think of it, you're pretty close to becoming every woman's ideal man."

I laughed, shaking my head. "I'm a married man – all I care about is my wife," I replied.

Just then, I was reminded of Kassie and I's conversation from last night – about her first love resurfacing. The feeling of uneasiness once again enveloped my system; I trust my wife, but I can't say the same for that person.

"Can we talk for a minute?" I asked Laurenze, my voice betraying a hint of hesitation.

"Sure, what's on your mind?" he replied, gesturing for me to sit down.

I took a deep breath, feeling unexpectedly sheepish as I tried to put my thoughts into words. "Kassie told me last night... her first love's back in town."

Laurenze raised an eyebrow, leaning forward, his interest piqued. "And so?"

"I don't know," I replied, rubbing the back of my neck as I struggled to explain the strange knot in my chest.

"It's just... thinking about her spending time around another guy, especially someone she once loved—" I trailed off, a tension building that I couldn't fully understand.

For the first time in my life, I was at a loss. I'd always been decisive, and confident, but this... this feeling was new. I had no idea what to do, no idea why it bothered me so much. But the thought of Kassie with someone else ignited something raw and unsettling deep inside. I dreaded the idea more than I cared to admit.

Laurenze gave me a look of utter disbelief, shaking his head with a smirk.

"Really, Richard? I never took you for someone so... dense." He chuckled, but his eyes held a knowing gleam.

"What do you mean?" I asked, completely thrown off, my confusion only deepening.

He folded his arms, his grin widening. "Do I really have to state the obvious?"

I met his gaze, still completely lost. What was he getting at?

"Richard, you're in love with Kassie!" he said, the words hitting me like a jolt.

"You're just too dense to see it."

The realization settled over me, almost suffocating in its intensity. Love? I hadn't considered it, hadn't let myself. Yet, as I sat there, I couldn't deny that something inside me had shifted. Perhaps, all along, I had been too blind—or too afraid—to see it.


Am I really in love with my wife?

The question lingered, haunting me as Kassie's face filled my mind—her laugh, the quiet strength in her eyes, the way she could ease my exhaustion with just a look or a gentle touch.

How had I overlooked it?

Every time I came home, worn down by the weight of the day, she was there. She'd listen, offer a simple word or two, and somehow make everything seem manageable again. How could I have been so blind?

Laurenze studied me, clearly reading the turmoil on my face.

"Judging from your silence, I'll guess you haven't told her," he said, shaking his head. "And honestly, if her first love hadn't come back, I don't think you'd ever realize your feelings for your wife."

"I..." I trailed off, knowing he was right. Maybe it took this jolt for me to wake up to what was right in front of me. All this time, I'd taken Kassie's presence for granted, as though she'd always be there.

"What do I do?" I asked, the vulnerability surprising even me.

Laurenze smirked, patting my shoulder with a confidence I didn't feel.

"Step up your game, Mr. Mayor."


After lunch, I started feeling under the weather—lightheaded and nauseous. I had experienced these symptoms before, usually due to work-related fatigue, but seeing how they seemed to reoccur too often, I couldn't bring myself to brush it off any longer.

I took a seat in the waiting area. The chairs were uncomfortable, and I shifted my weight, trying to find a position that would ease the anxiety knotting in my stomach. I glanced around, noticing the mix of patients and visitors, each lost in their own thoughts.

"Kassie Yan-Chiu..." It didn't take long for my name to be called. I followed the nurse as she led the way to the examination room, unable to shake the feeling of nervousness bubbling inside me. It had been a while since I'd been to a hospital.

"Please have a seat," the nurse said, gesturing to the exam table. I climbed up and sat there, trying to distract myself by looking at the various medical charts hanging on the wall. My mind raced as I wondered what could be causing my discomfort.

After a few minutes, Dr. Simmons entered, her smile warm and reassuring. "Hi, Kassie. How are you feeling today?"

"I've been a bit under the weather," I admitted, my voice a little shaky. "I've had some recurring symptoms, and I thought it would be best to come in."

"I see..." Dr. Simmons nodded as she studied my chart—probably the results of the tests I had undergone a while ago.

"Everything looks good so far." She looked me in the eye, and something about her gaze made my heart race.

"Morning sickness is normal in the first trimester," she said, her tone gentle.

I blinked, processing her words. "F-first trimester?" I repeated, feeling a mix of relief and disbelief wash over me.

"Yes, Kassie. You're eight weeks pregnant."

As I sat at my desk, I found myself gripping a piece of paper tightly—my child's first photograph. It was surreal, almost like a glimpse into a dream. Even after the doctor confirmed the news, I still struggled to believe it. The little blur on the page was my baby, a tiny life growing inside me.

Sweetheart Series I: The Politician's WifeWhere stories live. Discover now