Chapter XI

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Chapter XI
Morning Kiss


Roxanne's husband kindly offered to drive me home. Roxanne had insisted, as she often does, saying it wouldn't be proper for the mayor's wife to take the bus. Sometimes, she could be a little over the top, but I appreciated the gesture.

It was nearing seven in the evening by the time I got home, and yet Richard still hadn't arrived. I glanced at my phone, hoping for a message—something to let me know if he was running late. But there was nothing. Maybe he was caught up in another one of those endless council meetings.

I sighed, eyeing the dinner I'd prepared, the steam already dissipating from the dishes. The food was starting to go cold, and so was my patience. I looked down at Ulysses, who had settled beside me, his head resting on my lap, eyes full of expectation.

"Daddy's in another meeting, isn't he?" I murmured, running my fingers through his fur, grateful for his quiet company.

By eight o'clock, Richard still hadn't come home. Hunger gnawed at me, and though I had hoped we'd eat together, I couldn't wait any longer. It had been so long since I'd had dinner alone. Ulysses and Peter kept me company, their loyal presence comforting as I ate in the quiet house.

Afterward, I cleared the table, washed the dishes, and slipped into my nightly routine. The minutes seemed to drag on, and by the time I finished, it was nearly ten. Still no sign of Richard.

The silence of the empty house felt heavier than usual, and despite my exhaustion, I couldn't bring myself to go to bed. So, I grabbed a book and curled up on the couch in the living room, deciding I'd wait for him a little longer.

The book helped ease my mind. I read, I found myself becoming absorbed in the story, the characters and their world pulling me further away from the thoughts swirling in my head.

So much so that I didn't notice the slow heaviness settling in my eyelids, or the way my body began to relax deeper into the cushions of the couch. Before I realized it, my grip on the book loosened, and my thoughts drifted like the words on the page, slipping into a peaceful haze.

I was stirred awake by the gentle sensation of being lifted. Blinking groggily, I slowly opened my eyes and found myself cradled in Richard's arms, his familiar scent surrounding me.

"Richard..." I murmured, my voice thick with sleep.

"Hmm?" His reply was soft, almost as if he didn't want to wake me fully.

"Did I wake you? You can go back to sleep."

There was something soothing about his voice, like a lullaby. His words seemed to cast a spell over me, pulling me back into drowsiness. I leaned my head against his chest, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat filling my ears. A small smile crept onto my lips. I couldn't help but hope for the day his heart would beat for me, and only me.

The last thing I remembered before I drifted back into sleep was the warmth of being laid down on our bed and the gentle press of his lips on my forehead—a simple gesture that lingered in my thoughts even as I slipped into the depths of sleep.


At five in the morning, I woke to the soft warmth of Kassie's breath against my neck. She was so close, her hand resting gently on my chest, her head nestled into the curve of my neck. The steady rhythm of her breathing was calming, and for a moment, I simply lay there, feeling the quiet intimacy of the moment.

But then, memories from last night crept back in, reminding me that she had fallen asleep waiting for me. Guilt tugged at my heart. I should have sent her a message, let her know I'd be late. I meant to, but my phone died, and in the rush of things, I forgot to bring my charger.

I felt her stir beside me, her body shifting slightly as she began to wake from her sleep. Her hand flexed lightly against my chest, and I turned my head just enough to catch a glimpse of her sleepy expression.

"Good morning," I whispered softly, my voice low so as not to startle her.

Her eyes fluttered open, meeting mine, and for a brief moment, there was a peaceful stillness between us.

The early morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. Her hair was tousled, and there was something endearing about the way she blinked, still adjusting to the waking world.

As Kassie's awareness of our closeness hit her, a blush crept across her cheeks. In a flurry of movement, she hurriedly pulled away, her sudden action almost causing her to topple off the bed.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed, instinctively reaching out to catch her just in time.

We ended up in a position where I was leaning over her, my hands gripping her arms to steady her. Our faces were mere inches apart, and I couldn't help but notice how her breath hitched slightly. The light from the window illuminated her features, highlighting the delicate blush that adorned her cheeks.

Then, I found myself lost in her eyes. As if drawn by an invisible force, I slowly leaned in, my heart pounding in my chest.

Her lips parted slightly, and I could feel the warmth radiating from her skin. The space between us closed until our lips were mere breaths apart. In that instant, I was overwhelmed by the urge to bridge the distance, to feel the softness of her lips against mine.

I closed my eyes and pressed my lips to hers. I could feel her surprise at first, but then she melted into the kiss, responding to me with a softness that sent a thrill through me.

Just as the kiss deepened, a sudden ringing pierced the tranquil morning air, shattering the moment like a fragile glass. We both pulled away, the warmth between us replaced by a rush of surprise.

Kassie's cheeks flushed even deeper as she quickly glanced around for my phone, which was buzzing insistently on the bedside table.

"Of course, now," I murmured, a mix of frustration and amusement dancing in my voice.

"Should you get it?" Kassie asked, her eyes darting between me and the phone.

I nodded and reached for the phone, trying to ignore the feeling of loss as I turned my attention away from her.

"Morning, Mama," I said, forcing a smile, even though my mind was still lingering on the kiss.

The atmosphere shifted as I spoke to my mother, and I could sense Kassie's discomfort. She fidgeted for a moment, then suddenly stood up, her cheeks still flushed.

"I, um, need to freshen up," she stammered, her voice hurried as she made her way to the bathroom.

As the door clicked shut behind her, I chuckled softly, shaking my head at the sudden turn of events. It was both amusing and a little endearing how flustered we both had become. I turned my attention back to the call, my mother's voice bubbling with enthusiasm on the other end.

"Richard, darling! I just wanted to remind you about the charity ball this Friday. You're going to be there, right?" she asked, her tone filled with that familiar motherly concern.

"Of course, Mama. I wouldn't miss it," I replied, trying to sound enthusiastic while my mind wandered back to Kassie.

"Good! I've been picking out outfits, and I want to make sure you're looking sharp for the event. You know how important this is for our foundation," she continued, her excitement palpable.

If only she knew what she interrupted, I doubt she'd be this talkative.

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