Chapter XXII

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Chapter XXII


I couldn't wait to tell Richard the big news. A part of me was filled with excitement, imagining his reaction—the way his face might light up, the joy I hoped to see in his eyes. Yet, despite my excitement, a small, nagging worry crept in. What if he wasn't ready? What if he didn't want this?

Instinctively, my hand drifted to my stomach, resting there in a gesture I'd found myself doing more often lately.

I'm pretty sure your daddy will be as ecstatic as I am, I thought, speaking silently to the tiny life growing inside me. I could already picture Richard, the surprise softening into pride as he imagined us as a family.

Still, there was so much uncertainty between us.

I was pulled back to reality by the sudden sound of glass breaking. Startled, I quickly made my way to the kitchen. As I entered, I saw a wine glass lying shattered on the floor.

I let out a soft sigh. The dogs must have knocked it off when they were playing with each other. Carefully, I bent down to start picking up the larger shards, and cleaning up the mess. I couldn't deny that there was a small thread of worry lingering in my system.

Somehow, my mind was put at ease as I busied myself with preparing dinner. Chopping vegetables, stirring sauces—each small task grounded me, letting the weight of my thoughts gradually lighten. Just as I was finally beginning to push every bit of worry aside, my phone rang, its persistent buzzing pulling me back into unease.

I glanced at the screen: Mama Merriam. My heart skipped a beat. She didn't usually call at this hour, and the urgency in her timing was enough to send a fresh wave of anxiety through me.

"Kassie, dear." I could hear Mama's voice wavering, her usual warmth tinged with an edge of panic she was trying to hide.

"Richard got into an accident."

The words hit me like a blow, and my knees went weak. My hand clutched the counter as my vision blurred, my mind struggling to process what I'd just heard.

Suddenly, everything became a whirlwind of urgency. Before I knew it, I was rushing through the hospital corridors, my footsteps echoing in the sterile silence, my heart pounding as I searched for him. I barely registered the faces around me or the fluorescent lights overhead; all I could think of was finding Richard, praying he was fine.

"Kassie." Mama Merriam pulled me into a hug, her arms wrapping around me tightly, as if trying to shield me from the worst. I could feel the tremble in her embrace, a heaviness that told me more than words could.

"W-Where's Richard?" I managed to ask, my voice barely above a whisper, throat tight with fear.

She pulled back, her hands resting gently on my shoulders. "He's in surgery, dear," she said softly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "The doctors are doing everything they can."

I felt my chest tighten, a cold wave of dread washing over me. I clung to her words, hoping they'd be enough to keep me steady. I sank into a nearby chair, my hands shaking as I waited, every second stretching endlessly. Mama Merriam sat beside me, holding my hand in silent support.

Please be okay, Richard. Me and our child is waiting for you...

The minutes felt like hours as I sat there, each tick of the clock amplifying my anxiety. I squeezed Mama Merriam's hand tightly, drawing strength from her presence.

Finally, the heavy doors to the surgical area swung open, and a doctor in scrubs approached us. His face was serious but not devoid of compassion.

"Mrs. Chiu?" he called gently.

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