the party

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Hajimes pov

I walked up to the abandoned house with a new resolve. This house is where imposter died. This time is going to be different. He won't get his way this time.

"Ah hajime" imposter stopped me by the door "would you-"

"Stand still for a body check" I held my arms out.

"Yes" he raised an eyebrow before feeling me down "you catch on fast hajime. I'm impressed"

"Thanks" I chuckled. If only you knew.

"Alright it's all good" he stood up straight "you can go on ahead"

"Thanks" I nodded before heading inside. Inside was our classmates drinking and laughing. I steeled my resolve. Our party won't be ruined. Not this time.

"Hajimeee" kazuichi rushed up to me with small tears in his eyes "byakuya took my confert wrench away. What if he never gives it back?"

"He will kazzy don't worry so much" I ruffled his hair with a fond smile. He's such a goofball. I was annoyed by him at first but I grown to love him, just like I love everyone here.

I checked my watch as the others gathered around the table stuffing their face. It's almost time. I stood beside nagito without him noticing. Three two one...


The lights shut off. The scared cries of my classmates rang.

"Whats going on?"

"The lights are off!"

"Everyone stay calm"

"Ow don't step on my feet!"

I felt nagito start to move. Oh no you don't! I jumped on him and pinned him down, causing him to let out a yelp.

"Hold on. I'll go along the wall and do something about it"

Nagito struggled under my grasp but I kept the pressure on him until the lights switched back on.

"Uhh hajime what are you doing on top of nagito?" Mikan asked nervously.

"Getting frisky in the dark I see" teruteru smirked.

"Gah! Of course not" I strambled back to the feet, red faced and embarrassed.

"How embarrassing. We must have fell on top of each other during the blackout" nagito gave an embarrassed smile but I saw that look in his eyes..

He was furious.

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