double murder

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Hajimes pov

"A body has been discovered"

"A body has been discovered"

I jolted awake at the sound of two body discovery announcements. That means two people are dead. That means mikan-damnit!

"Hajime" kazuichi came over to me teary eyed "it's awful. Ibuki and teruteru are-" he broke down crying. Teruteru too? This is too much!

"It's okay kazuichi. I'm coming-ow!" My attempt was cut short by by the scorching pain in my chest.

"Take it easy hajime" kazuichi gently laid me down "I'll do the investigating. You focus on getting better for the trial"

"Are you sure you can handle it?" I looked at him worriedly.

"Of course I can. I'll have plenty of support from the others" and so he left on shaky legs. I feel less than confident about this!

Kazuichis pov

I took a deep breath before heading inside. No pressure. Just that if I screw up everyone's going to die! Jeez how does hajime deal with this kind of stress on a daily basis!

"Hey hey" I jumped and spun around to see chaiki.

"Jeez chaiki don't sneak up on a guy like that!" I scolded her.

"I'm sorry?" She tilted her head in confusion "I just wanted to ask how hajime was"

"Still not good. I told him I'd take over as head investigator" I laughed awkwardly.

"Have more confident kazuichi. You're going to be just fine" she gave me a reassuring smile that melted my worries away "come on. I'll show you what we discovered so far"

*Time skip*

"It just doesn't make sense" I muttered to myself as I investigated the communicator I built for the hospital gang.

"What's wrong kazu?" Fuyuhiko asked, accompanied by mahiru.

"Well I built this thing last minute so it didn't have the best connection" I turned to mahiru "you said you saw a video of ibuki hanging herself from the music venue right?"

"That's right. Is there something wrong with that?" She looked concerned.

"Well yeah the connection wasn't strong enough to reach the music venue. Trust me I tried"

"Then how did I see that video?" Mahiru turned pale.

"Excellent find kazuichi" nagito took my hand "what a beautiful use of your ultimate"

"Uh thanks dude" I smiled nervously. This case is just getting more and more confusing.

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