celebrating a meal together

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Hajimes pov

"Cheers!" We clicked glasses as the fifteen of us sat at the dining table drinking and eating like nothing was wrong. It was refreshing and best of all I didn't have to worry about a murder occurring. Though it was slightly concerning that nagito hasn't come around.

"Man this is delicious. You outdone yourself teruteru" kazuichi said with a mouthful of food.

"Anything for a group of beauties like you" he winked at kazuichi, making him uncomfortable.

"Mmm-so-good!" Akane hyperventilated with happy tears in her eyes.

"Your party was most impressive ibuki" Sonia smiled.

"Well ibuki is used to throwing off the hook parties so she had to ask mahiru to help" ibuki batted her eyelashes at her.

"Oh it was my pleasure" she smiled softly.

As the conversation became more lively I noticed nagito out of the corner of my eye. That's not good.

"Hold on guys I've got to do something" I stood up and walked over to him.

"It didn't work. Why didn't it work!" He paced around. He was breathing heavily and looked manic "no no calm down nagito. Clearly I just underestimated the intelligence of the ultimates. Stupid stupid!" He slammed his head into the wall.

"Nagito hold on" I grabbed him by the shoulders "come on. Just give up on your murder bullshit and come sit with-"

"You knew about my plan" he pointed a shaky finger at me "haha it was you that ruined everything!"

"You gave me no choice nagito I-" I was cut off by a sharp pain in my abdomen. I looked down to see the knife sticking out of me.

"It's nothing personal hajime" he gave me a pitying look "I just need to do this for everyone's sake"

"You son of a-"

"Shhh" he stroked my hair tenderly "it's okay now. You were well liked hajime. Your death will surely drive the others to strike for hope"

He pulled the knife out, causing me to collapse onto the floor. I watched him walk away as my vision faded.

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