nagitos visit

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Hajimes pov

I collapsed against the door, my breathing heavy and irregular. This is bad. I don't know what he's capable of. He's like a force of nature that can't be talked down or persuaded. How can I possibly stop that!

"Oh hajimeee" my breath caught in my throat. He's right outside my door "I understand I came on a little strong back there but it's only because I truly love the hope that rests inside you and to flourish that hope I need you to work with me"

I stayed silent. He sounded pretty reasonable. It was scary.

"I'm sorry for scaring you off hajime. Just listen to my plan okay?" I heard the russaling of papers "I've discovered that there are bombs in the warehouse. Not strong enough to blow up the island per se but they can easily blow up a building. We're going to plant those bombs on the bottom floor while everyone's having breakfast and watch the whole thing burst into flames" he let out a scrill laugh.

I covered my mouth in shock. Oh god he's serious!

"You're a beautiful soul hajime" he spoke softly "all this time you've been trying to save them but the kindest thing you can do now is kill them. Now please open the door or I'll be forced to kick it down"

I backed up nervously. Crap. Looks like I have no other choice.

Nagitos pov

"Alright hajime you had your warning. I'm coming in" I raised my foot and kicked the door off its hinges. What I saw shocked me.

It was hajime sitting in a pool of his own blood. In his hand was a pocket knife.

"No" I fell to my knees, tears running down my face "it's such a waste but I have to respect your decision" I stood up, wiping the tears from my face "I guess I'm doing this alone" I stepped out of the door, my eyes fixed on the hotel..

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