dinner party for real

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Hajimes pov

"Cheers!" We clicked glasses as the fifteen of us sat at the dining table drinking and eating like nothing was wrong. It was refreshing.

"Man this is delicious. You outdone yourself teruteru" kazuichi said with a mouthful of food.

"Anything for a group of beauties like you" he winked at kazuichi, making him uncomfortable.

"Mmm-so-good!" Akane hyperventilated with happy tears in her eyes.

"Your party was most impressive ibuki" Sonia smiled "here byakuya. Would you like a drink?"

"Thank you dear" byakuya nodded "I'd have to agree. This party is a lot more tame than I thought you were capable of"

"Well ibuki is used to throwing off the hook parties so she had to ask mahiru to help" ibuki batted her eyelashes at her.

"Oh it was my pleasure" she smiled softly.

I listened to the fermillier chatter of my classmates with a smile. It felt like we were just normal high school students hanging out and being stupid. It makes me wonder what life would have been like if I didn't become izuru. If the others didn't become the remnants of despair. If junko didn't take all that from us.

"Hajime you're a genius!" Kazuichi wrapped an arm around me "this party was a great idea! Shame nagito had to miss it. Did he say why he wasn't going?"

"Something about being super busy" I quickly thought up a lie "don't worry. I'm sure he'll be around for the next event.

"I hope so" he sighed "I don't want him to feel left out"

I smiled softly. He's a good guy. Too good for nagito!

Our nice moment was cut short by byakuya choking.

"Hey Mr ham hands. Can you stop coughing around me. It's gross" hiyoko scrunched her nose.

"I'll save you togami-kun" ibuki slapped him on the back, causing him to cough up blood "ahh ibukis sorry!"

"Crap he's dying!" I stood up, knocking the chair over as I rushed over to him "byakuya. Hey byakuya, stay with me!" But it was too late. He fell face first into the table, dead.

I stepped back shakily as everyone's frightened cries rang out. I have to get nagito.

*Time skip*

I fumbled with the keys before opening the door. Standing there was nagito with a condescending smile.

"Hajime so nice of you to let me out of my cage. I'm impressed though. Locking me away was a good idea but not killing me in my sleep is such a waste" he let out a disappointing sigh.

"Drop the bullshit nagito" I glared at him "there been a murder"

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