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Hajimes pov

His angry eyes boar into the back of my head. Despite how nervous his anger made me I ignored him. This is good. No one had to die-

"Hey did anyone see kazuichi?"

My blood ran cold. No everything's fine. Kazzy probably just got lost while looking for the breaker room. In fact he's probably just outside this door-

I froze as the door swung open. Laying in a pool of his own blood was my former friend kazuichi souda.

Everyone screamed and panicked. All except nagito who had a sick smile on his face. Like he was relieved that his plan worked out after all.

"You son of a bitch!" I punched him in the face. I got down and repeatedly punched him in the face "get that smile off your face you bastard!"

"Hajime that's enough" imposter placed a hand on my shoulder "we're all in shock over Kazuichi's death but this is no time to fight amongst each other"

I took a deep breath before standing up, my mind clouded by emotions. This isn't fair.

"Souda-san" Sonia took his lifeless hand with tears in her eyes "how could this happen?"

"Is it so surprising?" Monokuma appeared behind us "someone was simply playing by the rules"

"We have to hold a trial to find kazuichis killer don't we" my eyes were dull.

"Exactly. See this guy gets it" he giggled into his paws "here this is the monokuma file. It should help you catch the blackened. Okay good luck to you all byeeee" with that he disappeared.

"Could one of us really have done this?" mahirus voice shook with emotion.

"I'll take responsibility. I'm the one who failed to keep him safe" there was a sadness in his eyes.

"You idiot. What does taking responsibility do for us!" Mahiru glared at him "I swear when I get my hands on who did this"

"Hajime" nagito placed a hand on my shoulder, his nose broken from my punches "may we investigate together?"

"Fine!" I grumbled as he led me away. I already had an idea of who did this but can I really send him to his death again?

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