checked on by mahiru

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Hajimes pov

I anxiously tapped my fingers on my lap. The despair disease. This is going to result in another murder and I'm too injured to stop it. Should I tell someone about it? But what if I start asking questions about how I know all this? What if they think I'm crazy and locked me in an insane asylum!

"Hajime you shouldn't be sitting up" mahiru placed her hands on her hips like a stern mother "you're never going to recover if you keep moving like that"

"Sorry. I guess I'm just worried about everyone with them having that strange disease and all" I scratched my head awkwardly.

"Yeah I get what you mean" she took a seat next to me "that's why me and fuyuhiko stayed behind. To help look after everyone"

"It's nice to see fuyuhiko and you getting along" I smiled.

"Yeah. He's not as bad as I thought it was" she chuckled before giving me a stern look "we're handling it from here. You just focus on getting better. If I see you sitting up again you're really going to get it"

"Yes mom" I said teasingly. She rolled her eyes before heading out "hey mahiru" I called out to her, making her stop in her tracks.

"Yeah?" She turned back to me.

I pursed my lips, trying to think of the best way to word this "Mikan looked a little flushed. Could you check on her for me?"

"Sure" she nodded before stepping outside. I breathed a sigh of relief. I feel a little better now.

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