Chapter 1

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Charlotte POV

So it's been a year since that crazy werewolf dude Emmett took me and said I was his mate and "Luna" to a pack of the same type of people.

I was happy, I bought myself a small ranch in a suburban neighborhood in Louisiana and bought myself a blue Range Rover, my dream car, as cheesy as that sounds, and I am happily living alone but I made tons of friends.

You see a year ago I was in California, and had all these friends and family until he took that away from me. But never mind, its hard for me to think back about that.

I work at a small bakery, about 20 minutes away from where I lived, I loved it.

My shift just ended, it's getting pretty late but the sun is still out, making it still possible to see. I waved goodbye to my co-workers and friends and left with a warm loaf of bread, which I bought and held it in my hands.

I went to my Range Rover and started my commute home. I don't really have to drive on any busy streets, so I thought it was weird that there was a car completely blacked out driving right behind me. Like too close! I make a turn, just to avoid the annoying driver and as I look in my mirror, I see him. Emmett looking at my reflection from his open window, realization hit him, and his face lit up. I sped down the narrow road driving as fast as I can and he did the same.

What do I do...think...I'm surrounded by woods...not a good idea to leave my car now.

The city. I drive and drive with him directly behind me. I went to a more populated neighborhood, so I could get a few cars hopefully between us.

There was a building that I was quite familiar with, and I had a parking pass. I drove up to the parking garage and used my pass to get me in immediately. He followed but had to slow down, and find money to pay. I sped into the Parking lot and found a spot. Jumped out of my car and ran into the building.

I knew he can follow my scent, so I sprayed myself with a very strong perfume and used the elevator, so he won't know what floor i am going to.

I really thought this out. My friend lives on the fifth floor and I go straight to her door. I told her about him, and she understands.

I start to pound on her door, out of breathe, as soon as she opened the door,

"Quick get inside." She said

She knew the drill.

She grabbed another strong perfume, and started spraying the hallway, so hopefully the old one would be unrecognizable.

She also gave me a pair of her clothes so I smelled slightly different.

We waited silently for about an hour.

"Can I stay here tonight?" I asked Emma.

"Yeah, as long as you please."

We stayed quiet, not wanting him to hear us.

A few moments later came a very hard knock at the door. My stomach dropped.

I grabbed my third emergency bottle of perfume and started madly spraying it around and hid myself in her room.

We tried to wait it out, but the banging got harder.

"Go.." I whisper

She slowly walked to the door and I heard her open it.

"Where is she!" Emmett growled

Oh my gosh...he got me.

Emmett POV.

I have been looking for my mate, for about a year now. I really regret allowing her that much freedom. She left.

She is such a smart girl, she really knows how to avoid me tracing her. But I recently found on her laptops history a one way ticket to Louisiana, and then from their I saw that she applied to rent a house in a neighborhood.

"Jace!" (My beta) I screamed

"Yes?" He asks

"I'm leaving, I found her location."

"That's great, can't wait to see Luna again!"

I grab some stuff and head to the airport.

After my flight, I rented an all blacked out car, and drove to the neighborhood.

As I was driving around I noticed a blue Range Rover, Charlotte once told me she always wanted one.

I drove extremely close to the vehicle, and as the driver made a turn I saw my mate in her mirror. Found her.

She saw me and started to speed up, oh no! Not happening.
She is smart, she drove into a busy area. I growled slightly as she went into a parking garage, she seemed to get access right away but I had to search my bag for coins.

I am now a few minutes behind her, and I drive around and see her car. She's not there. Then a smell of and awful perfume hits me. I know it's her trying to avoid me. I follow that scent onto an elevator..ugh I swear she will be the death of me, I had to stop at every floor looking for a trail of the scent.

On the sixth I followed the trail only to be hit by a terrible smell again, knowing its her doing I follow it to a door...and I knock...

I listen and hear shuffling, she is here. After close to five minutes of pounding on the door a girl opens.

"Where is she!" I growl.

A look of fear comes on her face.

"who are you.." I cut her off

"I know she is here!" I seethe

"What are you .."

"CHARLOTTE I SWEAR IF YOU DO NOT COME OUT HERE RIGHT NOW I WILL..." I scream. And I soon hear soft and slow foot steps come walking toward me.

"Emmett please don't hurt her." She says

I drop Emma who I was holding by the neck and run to my mate.

"Oh my gosh! I missed you! Don't you ever run away again. Let's go..we are going home." I say kissing her face as she backs away from me.

"No. I am not going back with you. I am human, not what ever you are, you can not take me from this life I established here in Louisianna, just like you did to my last one!" I screamed at him

"No, you have no choice in the matter, you had your fun here, but it's time to go!" I say grabbing her arm as she tries to escape.

On the way out I see say something to her friend.

"Please talk to my boss and also take care of my baby." She cried

"Baby!" I shout

She trembled in fear.

"My cat."


"Yeah she can have your cat." I say and drag her out to my car.

"What about my car!" She cries

"Don't worry about it."

I mind link one of my pack members to come and take her car back to California, it'll be a surprise.

I'm just too excited, I found my mate...again.



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