Chapter 21

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Charlotte POV

"Alpha! Alpha! We found Jake!" A pack member who was apart of the search runs in.

"What! Where!" Emmett growls. My heart beats quickly realizing that there might be hope for my baby.

"Sir, he's dead. It looks like someone killed him."

"WHAT!" I scream "where's my baby!" I shout losing my temper and throwing a vase to the ground. It shatters and I look down to the floor watching the tears fall off my face.

"He's missing, but we will find him."

I leave the room, that's it. I'm done with everything right now, I'm 3 months pregnant, and I had a baby, and I couldn't even take care of him.

"Charlotte where are you going." I hear Emmett say running after me as I grab my Range Rover car keys.

"I'll be back, don't worry. I just need a break for a little while." I say while slamming the door behind me.

I'm going back, I'm going to visit the place that started this journey.

I'm going home.

I drive West, I lived in a small town about two ours from the pack that i'm in now, I grew up with two wonderful parents and a sister and a brother.

My brother was 4 years older than me, his name was Mason he left the minute he turned 18 and never looked back. When he left it hurt me, we were close. And he never once called, or came back.

My sister...she was 2 years older than me. Her name was Claire.. We were best friends, people used to think we were twins. I haven't seen or heard from her since the day of the incident.

Two years ago, I was 18, and enjoying life, I had it all. Until I got into a very bad relationship, his name was Ryan, everything was great until he went crazy.

Flashback 2 years precious.....

I wait in the doorway for Ryan to come pick me up for our date, I really need to end it. I don't have feelings for him like his does for me. And he scares me sometimes.

I see his car pull up,

"Bye mom! Bye dad! Bye Claire." I shout as I walk out the door. Little did I know that this would be my last.

I get in his car, and he seems antsy. He starts the half hour drive out of town, my town is really small, the houses are even miles apart.

He takes me to his house.

"Ryan? What are you doing?" I ask trying not to sound nervous.

"Get out of the car." He says and I follow orders.

"What are you...doing?" I choke out.

"I heard you were going to dump me! You can't dump me! You are mine!" He screams while shoving me into the house. By this point I'm shaking.

He ties me to a railing of the stair and leaves me there. He slams the front door and drives away.

I try to get out of the zip ties but they are too strong. I stand up awkwardly and knee the wooden railing of the stair.


It cracks. I find his keys to his second car and run out of the house. I drive straight to the police station.

I run into the station!

"Help! My boyfriend just kidnapped me! I was able to escape but he's still out there!" I yell.

I knew everyone in the police station. One officer speaks into his walkie talkie.

"We found one of the girls."

"What! What is he talking about!" I prod

"Charlotte. Your house...well someone used explosives and destroyed it. Your parents...well we found them in the kitchen." A officer named Dawn tells me.

"Are they okay!" I choke out

"No, honey they are dead..who ever did this locked them in."

I sobbed, and fell to the ground.

"" I cry

"There is a search for her, but she is currently missing, we think she wasn't in the house at the time." A officer explains.

"Then where is she!" I cry

"Her car is gone, so we think she left, she is twenty." They say

Long story short....

I had no where to live, I was 18, and had a low amount of money. I was driven home to see my house destroyed. I was left there, and found myself out for a walk...that's when Emmett found me. That's a story for another time.

Good news....they found Ryan, he was shot on sight for pointing a gun at an officer, he gave them no leads to where my sister was.

Bad news...I have two siblings in the world, and I have no clue where they are, or how they are....

(Flashback over)

I am snapped out of my thoughts. I arrived at my old house, still destroyed. No one owns the property, so no one rebuilt or fixed it

I get out of my car..and walk to the door which was a black color from the explosives used. I walked into the old kitchen where I saw hand smudges on the window, tears streamed my face as I recognized that those belonged to my parents minutes before they died. They were trying to escape.

I walked up the stairs, I pass the old bathroom and stop at masons old room, we left it untouched since the day he left. It hurt us all, but it hurt me more. The door was closed. I open it slowly and and shocked by what I see.

The wasn't how we left it....someone has been here...I walk deeper into the room. There are books and magazines littered around the room. I open a book that looks like a college text book and I almost's covered in writing. Not anyone's writing...his writing.

I shuffle through some papers...I find one with a date as early as a month ago. He was here...mason...

I look at the desk and it has a map. He also has a picture of me from two years ago on his desk, and my missing person flier. When Emmett took me, I disappeared and no one ever found me, to this town...I was a closed case. They probably figured I was gone like my sister.

He was looking for me. He wants to see me. I look around for any clues on when he came here last but I know it's been within the month.

I take a post it note and wrote on it


Long Time no see? I'm glad your looking still, but I'm closer than you think. Call me..

        Love Charlotte."

I place the sticky on the desk, and I walk into Claire's room, I honestly was hoping for the same thing as Masons room. But I was disappointed.

I decided to come back another day, I hop in my car and drive down the deserted road, tears brim my eyes. In the distance I see a car coming in my direction. As it passes I look and I step on the break. It can't be...

In the car with the same shocked look as me...was Mason.

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