Chapter 10

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Austin POV

My beautiful Charlotte left to go to the bathroom about 10 minutes ago. I start to panic! I look around and see a smirking figure across the street staring at me..I look at him. Tan with big muscles, I use my strong sniffing sense and smell that he's a werewolf.

My non-beating heart drops into my stomach. They found us, as he realizes that I figured it out he slowly walks to the front door. I run to the bathroom and smell her scent mixed with a wolf's scent. I follow it out the back door, and a heavy body crashed into me.

I growl, but as soon as it comes to my throat, I feel...this.....pain...all...I


Charlotte POV

As we drive back I grab my's burning. I start heavy breathing, and soon Emmett kisses my mark, the pain goes away.

"What happened?" I asked

"He's dead..because he was your mate too you felt how he died, and my wolves tore his throat out." He says calmly.

A part of me feels really guilty...did I make the right choice? I look out the window, pondering on the thought, but then realize that I made the right choice when I look at my baby bump.

I fall asleep on the way back, but I'm soon awoken by a crowd of people, the pack. They all cheer and wave as I walk out of the car.

"They love you too" Emmett says

"They barely know me." I laugh

"You are their Luna, they look up to you with the highest respect." He says


Maybe this werewolf pack isn't as bad as I thought, you know, it's like one big family, they all rely on each other. And respect one another. They even show me love, when I ran away and was rude to them.

We walk in the house and his mom comes and hugs me,

"I remember who you are now." I smile

Her smile gets even bigger when she realizes that I'm not under that spell anymore. I soon feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around. I look down to two women bowing to me.

"Luna, we are so sorry, we refused your entry into the safe house, it is because of us, that you were taken." They cry

"No, it's okay, call me Charlotte. It's definitely not your fault I was taken, and I learned who and where I belong. I should be thanking you." I say and bow to them.

Everyone in the room gasped. What? I can't show respect.

"Don't look at me like that. If I want to show respect to someone, I can! Even though I'm called a "Luna" does not give me a power where I am not equal to you. I feel that we are all individuals and without every single one of you this pack would not be the same, I was told that my job consisted of me being in charge, sure I'm in charge. But that doesn't mean that I will treat the people in the pack lowly. I want this pack to be my family, blood or not, I love you all." I say and everyone in the room claps.

Emmett comes and hugs me,

"You will be the perfect Luna, we still have two years to relax, and start our family." He says

I looked around and see a crowd of people smiling, I decide since they are here to talk to them. I walk to a table with girls my ages.

"Hi!" I smile.

"Hey! I'm Sarah." A red headed girl smiles

"I'm Sally, her twin, and this is Lily, our friend." The second red head says pointing to the brunette.

We chat, and soon everyone disperses. It's only me and Emmett.

"Emmett...I want to tell you how sorry I am, I was stupid and scared and was so mean to you. I never truly understood what was happening, but now I'm glad and I really am happy to be apart of this pack." I say

"Oh don't be sorry, I never gave you the chance to get comfortable, and me hunting you down must have been scary." He says

We talk about anything, and decide to go to bed and watch a movie. Tomorrow will mark my 1 month mark, so we plan on doing something fun.

"I love you" I tell him

"I love you too." I smiles

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