Chapter 17

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Max tries to calm him down, but I walk up to him and rub my hand on his arm.

"Maximus is going to help us, he is going to help make sure everyone excepts Oliver, would you really want to mess up that for him...for me?" I soothe

He immediately calms down.

"Hi I'm Emmett." He reaches his hand out

"Maximus, you really have an independent mate there." He laughs

"Yeah...too independent if you ask me." He says glaring at me slightly.

Really? They both torture me by talking about me...I move to show I'm clearly uncomfortable.

"Well Charlotte and I decided to meet tomorrow at my house  here to talk business." Max nods

"Okay well we will see you tomorrow." I smile Emmett and I walk out and head to my car.

"I'm driving." Emmett says

Really? I can't even drive my car? He never lets me drive and I honestly don't know why.

I hand him the keys and get in shotgun.

"I'm mad at you" he glares

"What? For doing something to benefit our son!"

"No! But because you don't include me for OUR son, and also you did something stupid like going into the woods at night!!!" He growls

I quiet up. I look out the window and see Jake.

"Pull over." I say


"Please Emmett...pull over" I say as sweet as I can and he does

I roll down the window and jake comes over.
Emmett is beyond freaked at that point.

With the window down I tell Jake the story of what happened. He is relieved to know that everything went well. After our discussion Emmett looks at me.

"Who the hell was that!!" He growls

"Jake." I simply say

"Jake! Who's this jake!"

"Oliver's real dad." I say and he calms down slightly and the rest of the ride is quiet.

The next day, Emmett started talking to me again. We drove up to Maximus' house to discuss the deal.

Skipping the boring part, all I have to say is that we show our wolves how to be friendly to others who are different and also Max is going to end the vampire attacks.

"So how are we going to break it to the pack?" Emmett asks

" we can have a dinner. But I know that they won't take it well. They think all vampires are. Terrible, and they aren't. Just look at how they react to the word vampire. It's crazy!" I say as he drives home.

"Well they will have to accept it, I am the alpha and what I say goes." He stiffens.

We reach the pack house and I run to go see Oliver who was with Laura. She doesn't even know about him, and we plan to keep it that way until vampires aren't viewed as bloodsucking killers...

"How was he?" I ask

"Perfect as always." She tickles his stomach over his onesie.

"It's funny we are going to have three babies around here in a couple months...him, my girl, and Melissa's." I add

"I know! I am so excited." She says while I grab Oliver

We leave Emmett's mom and go find Melissa in the kitchen eating pickles with peanut butter...and chocolate sauce??

Hmm..looks good....

I place Oliver in the high chair and pour some cereal on his tray.

"Melissa mind if I have some?" I ask

"Of course from one pregnant sister to another" she laughs.

We indulge in our peanut butter chocolate pickles until we went through all 4 jars of pickles that were in the fridge and we were on the last one when Emmett and Jace came in.

"What the hell are you two eating!" Emmett says scrunching his nose in disgust.

"Ummm peanut butter chocolate pickles!" I say

"Obviously." Melissa sasses

They stare at us shocked.

"I'm taking my son out of here before you two pregnant women convert him to your eating habits." He jokes picking up Oliver.

"We I'm pregnant because of you." I joke and he knows he lost this battle so he and Jace leave, while Melissa and I crack up laughing:

"Charlotte:1. Emmett:0" I laugh

I'm still undecided on a name...I have no clue.....







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