Chapter 22

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Charlotte POV

I halt to a stop and run out of the car, Mason does the same.

"Oh my gosh, Mason!" I cry into his shoulder.

"What happened to you! Are you okay?" He asks obviously not noticing the melon shaped lump under my shirt.

"Yeah, I'm married and I'm going to have a baby." I smile.

"What! That's amazing!" He hugs me again, even tighter than before.

"What about you?"

"I have been living in our old house, I have a job but I have been using it to pay for college, I'm going into criminal justice." He smiles

"I'm so happy for you, but you cannot live in that house! Come with me! We live in a community.....sort of, we can get you your own house and everything!" I plead, really wanting to spend time with my brother.

"Well, I don't know." He says rubbing his neck.

"Please. Follow me in your car, but first go get all your stuff, let's go."

A few hours later....

We packed all his stuff and are just about to pull up to our gated block. I enter my passcode in and I called a member of the pack to spread the word that no one should be in wolf form.

We pull up to our house and Emmett comes running out, he looks so worried and I looked at my phone in the seat next to me and I had 10 missed calls...oops.

I get out of the car and he engulfs me in a hug..but stops.

"Why is there another mans smell on you.." He growls

Just as I'm about to explain Mason comes up to us.

"Emmett this is my brother...Mason...and Mason this is Emmett my husband." I smile.

They shake hands and we move into the kitchen to talk.

" Emmett can we allow for Mason to live in the spare house? He really needs someplace to live, he is going to college." I plead

He looks at me like I'm crazy asking for a human to live in our pack. I rub my stomach and he notices. He gives in.

"Of...course. Mason. But you need to understand...these aren't just any people living here." Emmett warns

"What are you talking about?"

"We are werewolves."

"What! Your telling me my sister is a wolf and I never knew!" He laughs

"No, I'm not, but I'm mated to one. Remember those stories Claire used to be obsessed with. It's exactly like that." I explain.

He makes a face of realization.

"Ok, that's okay." He laughs, he has always been an easy going person.

We have a pack member escort him to the house, and Emmett and I are alone.

"I wish you would have warned me about bringing a human to our pack." He says

"Human? Are you serious! He is my brother. I haven't seen him in years! And don't you forget that I'm a human...and you forced me to stay here." I argue and walk away.

"No Charlotte please! I didn't mean it like that."

"Then how did you mean it. He is my blood! He is the same as me! And you look at him lowly! He is a great person, and the entire time we sat here you glared at him!"

"I just..I don't know." He stutters.

"That's what I thought." I huff as I go to bed. It's so frustrating, he is my brother and he is jealous...I know it's jealousy..because he is a guy.

The next morning....

Instead of eating breakfast with Emmett I brought some food so Mason and I can eat together.

I knock on the door and he answers.

"Hey big bro!" I smile

"Hey," he says while yawning,

I come into the house, it is so cute, it's 3 bedrooms and two baths. Perfect for Mason.

"Have you heard from Claire?" I ask

"Yeah I saw her in an airport once, about two
years ago...but she got on the plane before she noticed me calling her." He says sadly

"Where was the plane to?" I ask

"Louisiana." He says

"WHAT!" I choke.

"Yeah, I don't know why she would go there, she hates humidity." He laughs

"No...Mason. I was living there for a while." I say shocked. My sister was in the same state as me and I never knew it.

"What! Maybe she was looking for you...but how would she know!"

"'s Claire we are talking about! She knows how to get her information." I laugh

"Yeah that's true."

Mason and I talk for a while, and we were sitting by the window when he jumps up and shoots straight toward the window looking at a girl. No way...he has a mate...

"Charlotte...who is that! I feel like I know her or something!" He says while drooling over the girl. I get up and look out the window...

No way it's Alice...the girl who did my hair for the wedding.

I walk to the door.

"Alice! Come over here!" I shout.

She walks over.

"Are you making cinnamon rolls! It smells so good." She asks sniffing the air.

Mason walks up behind me. And Alice looks up.

"Alice this is.." I start to introduce

"Mate." She whispers and walks toward him and they start kissing....ummm okay...

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