Chapter 16

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Charlotte POV

I am so confused and frustrated right now.

"What are we going to do!" Emmett roars as I hold a sleeping Oliver in my arms.

"I honestly don't know, but I left my baby...with that monster! I should have fought to stay with him." Tears stream down my cheeks.

"No,'s fine. How would you know, we are supposed to trust pack members and especially doctors." He soothes.

No matter what, I will always be mad at myself.

"He is my baby, it's not like he drinks blood. He just is half he probably will only have reactions to garlic." I add

"That is true, but if this gets out to the pack, he might be in more danger than we expected, they think that vampires are always the enemy." Emmett says

"What if we end the war...between the two kinds and we won't have to worry about garlic or attacks again."

"That's a good idea, but I bet you it's impossible." Emmett scoffs at the slightest thought of befriending a vampire.

"Look I know you are mad because one kidnapped me, but he was also my mate, I chose you. And you also kidnapped me.." I say

He growls at the thought of another mate. I walk over to Oliver's room and place him in the crib. I leave. I'm going to end this once and for all.

I walk straight out the door and go to my car, I'm finding vampires and I will make peace. I drive and drive through the one lane path through the woods. My heart is thumping and part of me is regretting doing this trip alone, and at night. My windows are down and hear owls and crickets.

"Hello??" I shakily shout through the window, hoping to attract a vampire. I know..stupid right? My phone is vibrating constantly, I look at the screen and see the picture I used for Emmett's contact.

"Hello?" I answer, knowing he will yell.


"Look, I'm safe I'm in my car and..." I was interrupted by someone clearing their voice next to my window. I look and my heart drops, I recognize the vampire as the one that killed Oliver's mom.

"I gotta go." I hang up on Emmett and face the vampire.

"Hi.." I muffle out

"You took my son." He says

"I'm sorry but I didn't know that was your baby, I wanted to protect him." I quickly say

"No it's okay, I understand your kindness was meant in a good way. But there is something you need to know..." He starts

"I know he is half vampire."

"You do!" He chokes

"I know he is in danger, the wolves will hate him and so will the vampires. I am here because I want to end the war, I know people think I started it, but when they attack on our lands I needed to defend my people." I say

"I understand, you see his mom was band from her pack when they found out about him, and I could not take him because he was part wolf, so when his mom left the pack gave her the option to kill him and be welcomed. You see as that being my baby I could not let her kill him, so I killed him first." He explained.

"Is there a leader who I can make arrangements with about a peace agreement?" I ask

"Yes, since the queen has been killed..." He pauses

"A new leader has surfaced, but he has made no comments to any vampires, all I know is that his name is Maximus. He lives on the top of that mountain. I haven't even seen him, but rumor has it is that he is ruthless and is waiting to make a move." He says and my heart drops.

I have to see him. I have to do it for Oliver.

"Which way does the road lead me?" I ask

"It should take you straight to him, be careful, you must remember that you have a baby coming soon too." He says

"Thank you..." I pause for his name

"Jake." He responds

"I'm Charlotte, I guess I'll see you soon, and all of this will be over." I say confidently, but mostly trying to reassure myself.

I start the drive and my heart pounds and I start to I doing the right thing.

About an hour later I reach a huge house just like the pack house. I pray that this guy is understanding.

I walk out of my car and approach the door, the house was actually cute had plenty of flowers and was freshly painted. I raise my shaky hand up to the door bell.

I hear heavy footsteps...this is it. I'm done for.

The door flies open.
I keep my eyes glued to the floor until the person in front of me cleared his throat. I look up. He was young, maybe 18? That part scared me...he's unpredictable.

He looks at my stomach...

"Mate." My heart stops.

"What??" I ask shaking with fear.

"Your baby is my mate.."he says cooly.

"She's a werewolf." I say waiting for him to attack me.!!


He just looks at me.

"Is there a reason that a mated human, comes to my door at this late hour?" He asks

"Yes...well you see...I am...Charlotte..." He looks at me and is taken back.

"You! Killed all those vampires! I heard of you but never expected a young girl like you to be so ruthless!" He laughs...

Wait laughs?

"I am so sorry, they came and were threatening my pack and family." I rush out

"Don't worry. I understand, not all vampires realize that they can't just go around fighting people, my sister Emma learned the hard way." He says
Sister? He's related to them!!
He ushers me inside and we sit down.

"I'm sorry I'm late, but recently I have taken in a baby as my son, I found him next to his mother who was being attacked by a vampire, I saved him or so I thought...but it turns out that the vampire actually saved him from the mother killing him. But now the baby is in my pack and he is half vampire also.." I say

He looks at me shocked.

"Yeah, and for the safety of the baby and all others I want to create a mutual relationship between the two least in this area." I offer.

"I will try my best, especially since my future mate is a wolf. We can work together, come up here tomorrow with the alpha and we can discuss. It was such a pleasure meeting you and would you like me to usher you home?" He asks as we walk through the house.

"No I'm..." Before I could answer we hear a horrible bang. We run to the door only to see


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