Chapter 4

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Charlotte POV

I wake up the next morning, and it was hot outside. I guess I'm starting my third life here, and with a child. Even though the circumstances are bad, I still love the baby, it's part me.

I walk out of the little house and decide to go for a walk. I wave to lots of people and hopefully I'll be able to talk to them this week. I have a great feeling about this place, but for some reason I miss Emmett. I cannot wrap my head around that. Maybe I'm feeling the mate bond, or maybe it's because of the baby.

Emmett POV

I look through all of her old computer files, even though she is mad. I cannot let her have the baby by herself. She needs to come home.

After hours of searching, I finally found something. I noticed that she had another bank account. Her records show she never took money out, but she must put money in. I refreshed the page and noticed a huge transaction just a few hours ago. At a bank in Arizona. She was smart, but I was smarter.

I run to my car and take off to the bank. It's only a few hours drive, I'll trace her scent hopefully to somewhere there.

Charlotte POV

It's been a day now, and I feel like I forgot something, or someone. I miss him. I keep telling myself that I'm not a werewolf, I don't belong with him. But for some reason I keep thinking of him. Should I go back? No...I can't. I want to be independent!

He does treat me so well. And I have been so mean to him. He took off two years of being alpha for me? He says he loves me...but I don't know. I have his number, maybe I should call him? But then I'll go back there and never leave.

The topic circled my brain. Call him? Or leave him? I continue my walk and decide to cross a street, I look both ways and start to walk, but within seconds a car speeds down the road and hits me, I slam into the front and I'm pushed a few feet back. The driver panics and drives away. This is's

I close my eyes and let the pain engulf me.

Emmett POV

I arrived in Arizona and follow her scent until a pain hits mate...she's in pain. I follow her scent and see her lying lifeless on the street, she's been hit by a car and left there to die!!

I call the police and run to her side, and ambulance comes and we drive to the hospital, she is still not awake.

After hours of sitting in the waiting room, a few members of the pack show up, like my betas wife, and my mom.

"Charlottes family?" A doctor asks and I nod my head and sit up.

"Well sir, it seems like Charlotte will be up soon, she is lucky you found her, any minutes later, she could have died. You may go see her, she seemed to be starting to wake up. I suggest only one of you go in." The doctor says and walks away.

I run to the room and see her beautiful green eyes. She looks at me in utter confusion.

"Charlotte I'm so glad you are okay!" I say running to her side and grab her hand.

"Umm I'm sorry who are you?" She asks me. She doesn't remember.

"I'm your mate, Emmett." I say heartbroken.

I call the doctor in.

"Yes, since she hit her head she lost her memory, in her case it may never come back, or take a few months." The doctor says checking her vitals.

"Now for some reason, she healed faster than other patients in the situation. So I say she can leave tomorrow, but due to her memory loss she needs to be around someone most of the time."

"Ok no problem." I say as he walks out

"Charlotte how do you feel." I ask

"I'm okay, how long have we been together?" She asks

"About a year, we just got married." I say showing her my ring.

My beta just arrived and I mind linked him what happened.

"Dude that's perfect! She will never remember her hating you! Show her you love her, this is your second chance!" He says I nod my head

The next day, we drive home,

"Charlotte I need you to know some things okay!" I ask holding her hand

"Yeah okay"

"So we are werewolves and you are my mate, that's why we feel connected. Also you are pregnant with my baby, which is due in 6 months." I speak softly waiting for a reaction

She smiled

"I'm so excited!" She jumps

"I love you." I smile

"I think I love you too."

We pull up to the house and the pack gathers around, Charlotte smiles and jumps out of the car.

"Hi I'm Charlotte!" She smiles

"Charlotte they already know you." I chuckle

"Oh yeah." She laughs and we head inside.

"Mom? Dad?" I call

They run down the stairs and hug Charlotte

"Oh sweetie I'm glad you are okay!" My mom smiles hugging her. She left last night to come back to the pack house. So she never saw her at the hospital.

"I'm sorry what's your name again?" She asks shyly

"Oh I'm Laura" my mom says shocked

She gives me a look and I mind link her.

"Come on, let's go pick out a room for the baby!" I say and we run up the stairs.

"When will we know if it's a boy or girl?" She asked

"Actually right now. Since your pregnancy is 6months."

We run to the doctor and he tells us we are having a girl!!!

We buy room supplies at the store, all pink...charlottes doing...

We decorate and have a blast. Why couldn't she have been like this when we first met.!

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