Chapter 14

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Charlotte POV

I hold my little Oliver in my arms, as I walk around his new room trying to figure out what theme to make it.

"Emmett! I need help!" I scream

I hear heavy and fast foot steps running up the stairs.

"Lottie are you okay?" He asks panicked

"Lottie? Yeah I was wondering what theme we should make little Oliver's room?" I chuckle

"Hmmm, what would my little baby like?" He asks while ticking Oliver. He giggles slightly.

"What about like an underwater room?" He says

"Ooh like under the sea! That would be so cute! Oh and I was thinking for the girl we could decorate with owls." I cheer

You see, we started decorating when I first got pregnant, but we never picked a theme, just got the basics like a dresser and bed.

"Okay, can we go shopping in a little bit? I have some meeting stuff to go over, since that vampire was so close." He said while I nodded .

I walk down the stairs with Olly, and some people come over and say hello, tonight we are having a ceremony to welcome him to the pack,

"Oliver!!!" I hear Melissa shout as she rushes over and he giggles.

"I love this little guy." She smiles while tickling him.

"Let's take him to the pack play ground and see if there are any little ones there." I suggest, and we make our way to the play ground.

We walk up and all the children come and see him.

"So what's going to happen when Emmett leaves the Alpha position In the future?" She asks

"Oh, it will be Oliver, he is our baby." I say and she nods her head approvingly.

"Oh my baby and Oliver will be the best of friends! Maybe he will be his Beta!!" She squeals and rubs her stomach.

We stayed there for an hour and we go to the pack house and I see boxes every where.

"Hey! I ordered all the underwater stuff from online and it shipped pretty fast." Emmett said while kissing my forehead.

"Okay, I was going to go visit your mom and drop Oliver in her room so we can decorate," I smile

"Oh I'm right here! I need to see my grandbaby!!!!!" She shouts running over

She takes him from my arms and runs upstairs.

"Ok...let's paint!!!!" I say and run upstairs.!

Over all we had a blast painting his room a light blue, we were able to find stencils of fish to paint around the walls. And we bought the under the sea theme. It looked so cute.

"Emmett! It's 4:00!" We have to be on the stage by 5!!

I rush to go take a shower and get ready, do my hair and makeup the best I could and then rush to get Oliver ready.

Once ready we all walk to the stage, me for the second time this week.

"Good evening everyone, today we are celebrating a new pack member, this is not just an ordinary pack member, but Charlotte and I adopted a baby, or rescued. So here is the future Alpha of this pack

Oliver James!" He says and holds the baby. Everyone awes and cheers. We all celebrate with food. As Oliver is being held by many of the women in the pack.

"So I hate to put this on you, but there Is a tradition in the pack where we pick two people to be a second parent, really similar to the God parent, but this is a pack tradition." He explains.

"Oh cool I would like to pick Melissa and Jace, because Melissa helped me save him, and Jace is your friend."

"I would have picked the same people." He chuckles.

As the sun goes down, Oliver falls asleep in my arms and we have to walk on the stage one final time.

"Charlotte and I have chosen the second parents." He says and pauses for a moment.

"Melissa and Jace. Would you like to be the second parents? " he asks

"YESSSSSSS!" She screams as she drags Jace up there.

They do some sort of ritual type thing, and the ceremony is over, many pack members brought him gifts, I will make sure to thank them.

"That was fun." I say as I hold Oliver in my arms. He yawns and I decide to take him up to his new room, but the paint smell was too strong still for him to sleep in, so I grab a book and walk back to our room."

Emmett wasn't there yet so I set Oliver's pillow in the middle and he sits up against the pillow. I pull the covers over us, and I start to read him the book. He just look at the colors and pictures.

"The end!" I say and his his head. I lay him down and he grabs my finger.

I soon doze off when I feel Emmett come in and kiss my forehead, and then Oliver's.

"Good night."

"Good night."

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