Chapter 20

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Charlotte POV

Many people start to run and scream, trampling each other. They are doing exactly what we tell them not to do.

"Everyone follow me!." I say directly to the women and children. I honestly don't know who is to blame for the incoming attack, but with vampires and werewolves on sight, we should be able to hold our own.

I usher about 200 people into our underground safe shelter and get everyone situated. I look around. Oliver...where's Oliver! He's with Jake. Oh my god!! I need to get to him.

I sprint out of the safe house right before the door locked. Looks like I'm liked out...again. I run to the place I last saw Jake and he's gone, all around me are wolves and vampires fighting. I really don't know who's on who's side. But I need to find my baby.

######Jake POV########

As the chaos surrounds me I turn around, I need to keep Oliver safe. I am bumped into the woman I never expected to see mate.

"Sierra! You were buried! I went to your grave!" I shout holding Oliver closer to me.

"I know, that wasn't me. I woke up after I was left there and I realized I became a vampire and a werewolf! So I killed someone else that looked like me and now I'm be with you" she says leaning closer.

"No! You almost killed him!"

"No! I would never. We were leaving! I was never going to hurt him. Quickly! We need to leave before anyone notices. We can be a family!" She persuaded.

"No this baby doesn't belong to you anymore."

"Oh really! Well that was when I was dead. But now I'm alive and will be for a long time! I know you love and want that baby! So let's go!" She says dragging me into the Forrest. Oliver starts to cry and I hold him this really a good idea?

#######Charlotte POV#######

Oh my gosh...I searched everywhere and there is no sign of Jake or Oliver. Tears stream down my face and a cold hard hand grabs my shoulder roughly and I reflex and elbow his stomach then snap his neck. I can hold my own.

Soon the vampires who attacked are dead and all of the previous party goers are safe, these were just those bad royalists who want revenge.

"HELP! Oliver is gone!" I scream running up to Emmett and some wolves.


"Jake was holding him and I lost him when the fight broke out! They are both gone!" I cry

"He took that baby! They gave him to us!" Emmett growls and him and his wolves head into the woods hoping to find a trail.

Oh my gosh. I sink to the ground and lay there in a little ball crying. It's all my fault. My baby... Soon Melissa comes over and takes me inside.

"You need to relax. You have a baby inside you and we don't need you hurting her. Emmett will find him and it will be okay." She reassures.

"I hope. It's all my fault. I left him alone with Jake! I thought it was the right thing to let him see Oliver! He acted so nice." I cry and lean against Melissa.

And this is how my night went, crying on her shoulder praying that Oliver will come home safe, it ended up being a long night and I fell asleep on the couch.

I wake up the next morning and realize I am in my bed. Did I dream that? Is Oliver okay? Emmett isn't in bed so I run to Oliver's room, nothing....

I run down stairs as my heart starts beating even louder...nothing.

"Emmett?" I yell

"Yes?" I hear him say from his office

I walk in and see him all stressed in his chair. My heart drops. That wasn't a dream. Tears start to form and Emmett noticed. He gets up and walks toward me.

"We followed the scent all the way to our farthest border. I called all of the packs in the state and told them to look out for him, Max is also doing the same with all of the vampire packs. But because it is his baby, I'm afraid we might not be able to do anything...we never had any proof the mom gave him to you." He says and my heart breaks, I really lost him.

I run up to the room and cry. I lay under the covers for who knows how long, and cry. This is my fault.

Jake POV

Last night was rough, we had no baby clothes and food. Oliver kept crying. I know it was so wrong taking him from Charlotte. He had such a good life there, I have nothing I can give him, and his mom did try to kill him. Charlotte also made peace in the vampire and werewolf world for him.

"Oh stop thinking about what we did. He is our baby!" Sierra says

"I know but this is so wrong."

She rushes up to me and pushes me to the ground...with Oliver In my hands.

"I let her babysit him, okay? Think about it like that! I'm here and I will raise this baby! He is my blood not hers! You can stay here and be apart of his life or you can leave!" She hisses.

"No this Is wrong! I'm going back." I say holding the crying baby.

"No you won't!" She screams as I walk away.

I feel a sharp pain in my neck, and everything goes black....

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