Chapter 1

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I opened my eyes and went to sit up. What happened? Where was I? Then it all came flooding back.


            I heard a plane go over my house. My house that was located in the middle of nowhere there shouldn't be a plane flying over.

            My mother raced into her bedroom. As she did that my father entered the living room where I was currently located becoming more incredibly nervous by the second. If that's even possible. My mother was back now with a big yellow envelope in her hands. My heart sunk.

            "Now, Becca we need you to stay calm." My father said to try to reassure me and now I was worried the complete opposite of calm. Of course I had been prepared for an emergency like this, but it couldn't be true, we were safe. We had been for the past five years.

            "What do you mean?" I know it sounded like I wasn't getting the severity of the situation, I did, I just didn't want to believe it.

            "We don't have much time, sweetie." My mother spoke gently but I could hear the strain and urgency in her voice. It was true we were in danger.

            "We may get separated or something may happen to your mother and I." I went to protest at my father's words

            "We're not saying it will but if something does happen to us we need you to take this envelope," She handed me the envelope, "And take it to the runners of the House of Orphaned Wealthy Boys." I nodded mechanically. I knew where the HOWB was I had been there to pick up supplies.

            My father reached behind the couch and pulled out another envelope but this one was thick and looked as if it had a lot of stuff in it.

            "This will keep you going." My father told me pushing the envelope into my hands. I went to open it but he stopped me.

            "Not now honey." My mother spoke softly. "Becca, now, you need to go upstairs and pack essentials in a back pack."

            "You have five minutes." My father told me giving me a look like if you're not ready by then we're leaving regardless of what you have ready to go.

            "Go." My mother practically pushed me towards the stairs. That was all I needed I was off, I sprinted up the stairs and into my room.

            I grabbed a backpack out of my closet a backpack from my closet and immediately through the envelopes into it. I then began to go through my emergency drawer I grabbed a few granola bars, flashlight, all my spare batteries, the tightly folded spare clothes, and my first-aid kit.

             I then began to strip out of my clothes so fast, that I'm surprised I didn't fall on my butt. I quickly put on a pair of warm leggings, a pair of fleece pants, woolen socks, fur boots, a long-sleeved shirt, a sweater, a light but warm jacket, and a wind-breaker. I also, grabbed a pair of gloves, hat, and a scarf. It was fall but it was cold and I wanted to be prepared.

            I moved towards my mini-fridge which housed water bottles and I grabbed a few. Water's very important, you don't realise how much until your dying of thirst.

            I picked up my tightly rolled sleeping bag and blanket and clipped them to my backpack. I grabbed all the money in my room and picked up my passport, (you knows what'll happen.)

            And I was out of my bedroom and downstairs in no time.

            My parents were waiting for me dressed the same way as me.

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