Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

            I laugh as I pull my hair into a messy bun. We were just leaving the pool and I was remembering our chicken war, we played so many times that I lost count. The boys even made me rotate around so the teams were fair. We still would have been playing if I didn’t say all this winning was making me hungry. So now, snack time.

            I put one foot into the kitchen, when the boys push past me with so much force that they almost knock me over. They then go on to raid the cupboards and fridge.

            Once they all have an armful of food, as well as having their mouths stuffed as full as chipmunks do I step in.

            “Are you done?” I ask.

            They all mumble back incoherent responses.

            I move to the fridge going in search for the ingredients to make a sandwich. Not just any sandwich, they had cheese buns! Man, I love those things. When I’m done making my delectable sandwich I go into the over-sized living room, where the guys are all eating their food.

            They’re so focused on eating that no one says anything, unbelievable right? I do the same until Gwen comes in.

            “Becca, can you come with me?” She asks.

            “Ooooooh,” The guys harmonize. I flip them the bird.

            “Sure.” I reply.

            “Follow me,” She commands, I stuff the rest of the sandwich into my mouth and follow her out the door. Soon, I quicken my pace so I’m walking beside her rather than trailing behind Gwen.

            “So why do you need me?” I ask

            “We need to order you some clothes,” She answers, “Mine fit you but I think you’d like to have some of your own.”

            I nod, “That would be nice.”

            We stop and enter a room, it looks like an office. It has pictures of Gwen and another guy all around them, that must be her late husband.

            Gwen walks over to her desk and opens up her laptop.

            “We have a few stores owned by us, under different names of course,” She says while typing on her keyboard, “It’s actually a full mall. When we need clothes, supplies, food, etc. we just place an order and it’s rushed to us in three to four days.”

            “That’s fast.” I acknowledge, especially for us being off the map.

            “It has to be, they want it off their records that they ever shipped to us. The faster it’s the less likely that anyone would find anything out,” She pauses, “The best part is that it doesn’t cost us a thing because of our funding, even though we may own the stores we’d still have to pay if we were ordinary customers.”

            “That’s awesome!” I exclaim.

            She nods vigorously, “It’s great, we can get all the clothes we want,” She says excitedly, sounding like a teenager, who is obviously obsessed with clothing.

            “So what are your sizes?” She asks, I tell her them, “Okay, now we can pick out your clothes, get as many as you want.”

            I pull a chair over next to her.

            “Let’s get started!” Gwen squeals.

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