Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

Today just happened to be Sunday and guess what that meant! Becca gets to do whatever she wants. That also means I can make my slave do whatever I want.

            I decide to go for a walk; I exit the house through the backdoor. It’s a beautiful and surprisingly warm day for October. The leaves are an assortment of vibrant colors with the sunlight shining down on them through the trees. I travel around the edge of the forest, walking around the house, looking up at the beautiful maple trees that are scattered around the property. Sitting in the middle of the yard are two soccer nets.

            I would love to actually walk into the forest, take a hike to my house, and see what’s left. But I know I can’t, I’ll break down and it’s too dangerous. It’s probably dangerous for me to be outside right now but I can’t stay inside forever. I’m used to being outside in nature, I’m usually outside for hours a day doing whatever I felt like, usually exploring. I knew almost every inch of the forest surrounding my house, as a kid I had nothing else to do other than make up games and travel around the woods.

            It’s what I loved to do. There wasn’t much else I could do really. I was an only child; there was no one around other than the people here at the HOWB who I never really saw. I had never even met any of the guys until I was forced to come live here. I only ever saw the heads. It might have seemed like a lonely childhood but it was the only one I ever knew.

You would think I would be a little afraid to be around people. I’m not though, every time I saw Helen, Marla, or Ramona as a young child I would always eager to talk to them. I also believe that my parents tried to make excuses to come see them more often, hoping that I would remain social and not afraid to talk to others. 

I kick up the leaves as I think on what my life was like. I couldn’t stay living in the woods with my parents forever; I just wish we could have left as a family. They must have known I would want to see the world sooner or later, or did they? What would happen when I got to the age when I wanted to have a family of my own, would they have agreed to let me leave? Would they have respected my decision? I’m sure they would have, eventually, but if the danger was great, I’m sure it wouldn’t be without constant pleading from me. Still I wish they were here, they’re my parents, they’ve been the only company I’ve ever had. I’m with other people now but I just met them, my parents were the only people I had in the whole world. Here at HOWB they seem to be accepting me into they’re family but I have to start my life over at sixteen.

A tear falls down my face as I finish my lap of the perimeter. This was going to be a lot harder than I originally thought. I was just starting to see what my parents’ passing had left me to deal with. It was a lot of challenges but I lot of assets for the future.

I walk open the backdoor and step into the house, stepping into the warmth. It wasn’t the same as the warmth that the sun gave off, it wasn’t as natural. It was artificial.

I kick off my shoes and shrug out of my hoodie. The air might seem artificial but it was nice to be able to walk around in just a T-Shirt.

I’ve had enough thinking about my past for one day; it’s time for the present. Now, I have to find those boys that’ll take my mind off of things.

Where would I be if I were a teenage boy? It looks like I wouldn’t have many options of where to search seeing as I’ve been in a grand total of six rooms, one being my own, and another I didn’t know where it was exactly.

            I’ll start in the kitchen. I enter the overly-large cooking space to be greeted with… nothing. No guys, just a bunch of appliances. Off to the living room, I would have tried the dining room next but I know they’re not there. They wouldn’t actually sit down at a table to eat unless they had to. I peer into the living room; I was not met with the sight of boys sprawled out over couches. I was met with nothing; no one was in there either.

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