Chapter 31

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“That’s the plan,” the president says solemnly. “I understand that it is not the best one in the world, and that it does not guarantee your safety 100% but it’s all we have right now.”

            Colton shakes his head. “No it sounds solid enough. Every plan has to have some holes, because no one can ever be sure how the enemy is going to react. I think it’s good enough to go forward with, in my opinion. I am, of course, biased to it all. I would do anything to get Eli back.”

            “It sounds good enough to me,” Alec says.

            “That’s fine,” the president says. “You are all going to be in danger, but Becca will be the one they want the most, and Parker will be talking the most. Those two have more reason to disagree as it is quite likely that something could go wrong and they would be in the line of fire.”

            I swallow. I am nervous about the plan. Like Alec and Colton said, it seems well enough, but this is my life that I am gambling with. There is no doubt in my mind what I am going to do, but it is extremely nerve-wracking to put it into words and vocalize it so everyone can hear. “I’m willing to go along with the plan.”

            “And Parker?”

            “Of course,” Parker says.

            “Okay,” the president looks so much less than thrilled. He almost looks as if he wished that we had problems with the plan, so he and the others would have to fix and holes they could and come back with something flawless. But there isn’t time for that. “I will let everyone know, and get everything into order.”

            “And what are we to do while you’re doing that,” I ask.

            The president thinks for a moment. “We have about eighteen more hours until the meeting so you don’t need to do anything yet. We would have to get you dressed, wired, and fitted with weapons a few hours before leaving but for right now you may do what you like.” The president pauses. “Once I have everyone back here I will call you back up and we may start getting prepared.”


            The time between the president leaving us to our own devices, to him having someone retrieve us seemed to pass as slowly as possible. It was only a few hours, but it felt like forever. You would think that I would be enjoying my possible last free hours of my life, but oh no. I was too sick with worry to do anything of the sort.

            Luckily the time didn’t pass that slowly, and soon enough we are meeting back with the president.

            “Okay so I am going to send you off to get, dressed, wired, and armed. Then we will all meet back up and go through the plan more thoroughly.”

            “The first time wasn’t thorough,” Alec asks, with wide eyes. His voice drops to a whisper so that I can only hear it. “The first time through took close to an hour. What more is there to discuss?”

            The president acts like he didn’t hear a word Alec said, and continues as such. “You may go now.”

            We leave the room where we are escorted by, take a guess, the Secret Service. I might have asked the president before, where exactly we were supposed to be going, as he gave us no details. However, less than a day has taught me not to question the president, because he already has things worked out. It only takes more time and effort to ask questions than to go along with things.

            I let out a sigh as we enter a room. It is magnificent for sure, but my mood has plummeted in the past few hours. Knowing that this might be my last day alive just doesn’t have me in the mood to appreciate how beautiful the White House is. Maybe that is exactly what I should be doing—trying to enjoy what I’m surrounded by—but I could care less.

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