Chapter 23

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I’m being jostled back and forth to the point I’m forced to open my eyes.

            “What in the hell!” I exclaim as I notice that I am no longer sleeping in Jackie’s bed in her room but being carried out of her house.

            “Shut up,” a hand clamps over my mouth and my eyes flicker up to the person’s face. Parker. Of course it was only to be suspected.

            I smirk internally before I stick my tongue out and lick his hand. He quickly moves his hand away from my face.

            “What the hell!” He exclaims, propping me up against a wall so he can wipe his saliva covered hand off on his pants. I’m mildly aware that he may drop me and that this position is not exactly the most comfortable, but the hormonal side of me is okay with that. Being pressed up against Parker’s chest isn’t that bad.

            I shrug innocently. He scowls but puts his other arm underneath me and shifts my weight so it is easier to bare.

            “Why don’t you let me walk, it would be a lot more comfortable for the both of us,” I say. Parker wasn’t exactly struggling; he didn’t even look as though he was breathing any heavier than normal. However, I do not enjoy being carried.

            “Sorry,” he says. “But we’re leaving now and I have to make sure everything gets into the car.”

            “We’re leaving,” I ask, and he nods. “I have to say good bye to Jackie.”

            “I am carrying you for that exact reason,” he says, exiting the house altogether.

            “Parker,” I say squirming in his grip, which he happens to tighten. “I have to say goodbye.”

            “No you do not,” he pins me against the car while he opens one of the doors. He sets me down in my seat.

            “I don’t know if I am ever going to see her again I need to say goodbye.”

            “No you don’t.”

            “Can’t I at least leave a note?” I ask.

            “Already done,” Parker says. “Now I suggest you go back to sleep while you still can.”

            I cross my arms over my chest, “there is no way I am going back to sleep.”

            “You know what I don’t really give a shit. Do what you want I don’t care,” Parker says slamming the door and leaving me speechless.

            Parker walks around to the front of the car. He opens the door and slides himself into the driver’s seat. We sit in silence for a few moments.

            “Could you stop acting like such an asshole,” I say, glaring at the back of his head. Parker turns around so I can see his luminous green eyes perfectly.

            “Me an asshole, that’s a new one,” he rolls his eyes.

            “It’s true you dragged me out of bed and you wouldn’t let me thank the one friend that I have outside of the house for letting us stay with her,” I say.

            “I hate to break it to you Rebecca,” I glare at the sound of my full name. It’s not that I hate it. I actually really like it but I know he’s using it to try to get to me and I don’t like that at all. “But we have bigger problems on our hands.”

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