Chapter 25

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I feel the anticipation as we near Washington D.C. There is either going to be a happy ending or a tragic one. My stress levels are going through the roof and I’m almost 100% positive that the guys are all feeling the same way.

            Parker, Alec, and Colton have all talked and are talking about the possibilities of what could be waiting for us. They’ve gone through every single situation possible and then some. And I thought I was paranoid, this is unreal.

            “Okay twenty minutes until we enter the city, then a few more until we reach the government buildings and the White House,” Parker says, who switched back to the driver’s seat a few hours ago after waking me up so he could move out of his seat. I was curled up onto his lap having climbed more on him during my sleep, which I am severely embarrassed to admit.

            I sit back in my seat and close my eyes, not to sleep, but to prepare myself for whatever is to come. I stay like this for almost fifteen minutes when I am jolted out of my stupor when the car begins to slow right down to almost a complete stop.

            “Shit,” Parker swears, making me open my eyes to see what’s going on. “A fucking road block!”

            “Okay Becca, take this hat and tuck your hair up under it,” Alec says handing me a ball cap from the glove compartment. I do as he says tucking my long brown hair up under the hat. “Okay now take off your jacket and put on my sweater. Colton hide that under some of the stuff in the back.” Alec takes my appearance in. “Okay you still look to pretty to be a boy.”

            “Thanks Alec,” I say.

            He glares at me. The situation must be really getting at him, it is for me as well but sometimes I can’t help myself. “Um let me think. Take out your earrings.” I do as he says. “Makeup, are you wearing any?”

            “Nope,” I say.

            “Okay good,” Alec says. “I don’t know what else we can do, other than chop your hair off which we aren’t going to do.” He looks at Parker. “We should have stopped to dye it.”

            “Nah, she wouldn’t look good as a blonde,” Parker says.

            “She could have went red or black,” Colton says. Parker shrugs.

            “Okay, everyone quiet, don’t say anything unless you’re spoken to, like at the border,” Parker says. “Becca try not to make too much eye contact but don’t make him suspicious.”

            The officer taps on the window, which Parker rolls down.

            “What’s going on here officer?” Parker asks.

            “There are supposedly some terrorists and we’re supposed to check the traffic coming in and out of Washington,” the dark skinned officer says.

            “Ohhh,” Parker says, as if he just now understands, “but if they’re terrorists why would they drive in. You would think they would use helicopters.”

            “That’s what I said,” the man says. “I like the way you think kid.” Parker smiles at him. “Okay have a nice day now.” The officer waves us through and Parker hits the gas allowing the car to lurch forward.

            I’m relieved but also a little confused. Things have been basically going our way throughout this whole time. I’m not complaining but it seems a little odd. Almost as if trouble is going to hit when we need it to stay away the most.

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